Chapter 30

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Gemma Pov

I laid buried beneath the debris of the burning wreck of what used to be a house. George had returned. He had destroyed everything. Fearrington was destroyed. I quickly opened my eyes and nearly screamed from the excruciating pain on both of my arms. I could barely move from all the charred wood and old drywall that had fallen on top of me.

I tried shuffling around but It was very limited. I moved my arm up. I screamed again in pain. It hurt a lot. I looked to see what was causing the pain and I saw both of my arms had very bad burns. They hurt like a bitch.

I felt like I was suffocating in the area I was trapped under. All I could smell through my nose was the smell of smoke and I coughed every time I took a breath. I slowly tried moving my legs again. I kicked my right leg forward at a fallen piece of drywall in front of me.

I managed to kick a hole through it. I kept on kickin it with my foot until I made a very large hole in the drywall. I saw some sunlight shining through the hole. I covered my eyes with my hand to block it from both my eyes. I slowly tried crawling out of the hole.

After a long struggle and more yelling in pain from my burns. I finally pulled myself out. I took a deep breath immediately and stood up. I was covered in drywall dust, ash, and soot. I looked around where I was. The house that had fallen on me was now just nothing but debris and rubble.

I moved my head around to see what the rest of Fearrington now looked like. It was a burning wreck. All I could smell and see was smoke. It was so thick. It was hard to make anything out. But from what I could see most of the houses were on fire.

I covered my mouth again as I began violently coughing and hacking. I held my fist against my chest and hit it a couple of times. I looked over to my side and saw Rotters stumbling around the streets.

A few of them saw me and groaned. The look in their cold dead yellow eyes sent shivers down my spine. I quickly reached down my pant leg and took my knife out of its pocket very quickly. My hands were shaking very badly.

I turned around and started running away from the Rotters and the house towards somewhere else. Somewhere other than here...

I scanned my surroundings as I ran. I looked to see if the backgate had maybe been left open or something. I ran towards that direction. I jammed the blade of the knife into a few Rotters as I came upon the backgate.

I pulled the gate open as fast as I physically could. My arms hurt even more from trying to pull the gate open. The gate screeched open just a tiny bit. Enough to allow my body to slip out. I moved my body to the side and slowly squeezed through the tiny gap.

My burns scraped against the metal of the gate. I screamed in pain once more.
" AH!"

I pulled the rest of my body through and fell to the street below. I quickly caught myself and I was now on my hands and knees. I moved my eyes up and saw a few of the rotters that had followed me sticking their arms through the tiny gap in the gate.

They stretched their arms and tried grabbing me. I quickly rolled my body away as fast as I could. I quickly got to my feet and started running down the abandoned street away from Fearrington.

I continued running. Not stopping until I could see that I was far away from that burning heap that used to be our home. I sighed and stumbled my way down the street. I passed by a few old abandoned ranch houses. I held my head down and just kicked a rock.

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