Chapter 8

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2 days later… 

        We had essentially been driving nonstop for the past 2 days. We encountered a lot of Rotters, abandoned cars blocking the roads, bridges that were apparently blown up by the military and running out of fuel. 

            We had still managed to reach Winston-Salem and it was abandoned. Like all other cities and towns nowadays. As we drove through we saw how chaotic everything looked. Corpses everywhere, burnt out cars, buildings bombed to the ground. Whatever the hell happened here wasn’t very pretty.

                “ Kolson don’t look.” Anais told him

      He nodded his head and turned away from the window. Thomas rolled his eyes and responded. “ Oh he better get used to this. He is gonna be seeing this for the rest of his life.” 

             “ Shut up. This is none of your business!” Anais shouted back. 

 “ Maybe it is. You're gonna just make him weak. Once he is weak… He’ll die.” Thomas yelled back. 

               “ Thomas just shut your goddamn mouth! I’m sick and tired of you causing problems.”  Violet raised her voice at him. 

              Thomas shot her a glare and rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. Violet sighed and she focused on driving again. She occasionally looked back at Thomas in the rear view mirror and he was staring at her with an angry expression. 

              It was so weird to me how they were Siblings. Thomas was a cocky bastard while Violet was kind, gentle, and caring. The exact opposite of Thomas. I hated him. Not as much as I hated Bradley. But I still hate him. 

          Anyways we soon were back on the highway towards Raleigh. The car was silent and nobody bothered to say a word. I occasionally looked back to look at the cars following behind us where everyone else was in. 

       I turned back around and rested my head against the headrest and I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

                 I awoke in a daze a few hours later when I heard the sound of the car engine coming to a stop. “ What… why’d we stop?” I yawned and stretched my arms. 

              “ Some cars blocking the road. Garrett, Doug, James, and Elijah are currently moving them.” Violet replied as she gripped the steering wheel. 

            “ Alright.” I said, leaning my head back again. 

             A few minutes later they did it with all their strength. They cleared a path through the traffic snarl in which we could pass safely through without difficulties. Around about 1 hour maybe Violet stopped the car again. 

               “ Well what is it now?” I asked, sounding a bit irritated.  

   “ Car is out of fuel.” She replied and she leaned her head back against the seat sighing in defeat. 

             I looked in the rear view mirror and he clenched his jaw. He was about to say something when Anais shot him a glare. He finally stopped and slanted back into the seat. 

               Kolson stayed silent and just stared down at the car floor. Violet meanwhile unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the truck and slammed the door. 

                 A couple of minutes later she got back in the truck. “ Apparently all the trucks are out of fuel. Looks like we're going on a fuel run.”

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