Chapter 20...

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(Violet Pov)

                 I was still sitting in the god damn salon chair George had strapped me down into. I  darted my eyes around the room to see if there was anything I could use to help me escape. I heard Angela coughing and hacking violently. I moved my gaze over to see a very weakened Angela.

                 Her entire face was sweating and she had blood around her mouth from coughing so much of it up.  "I dropped a pair of scissors behind your chair when George told me to take all the tools out, you can reach it with your foot.” She coughed again and moved over to her side.

                   “ Thank god Angela!” I said with a bit of excitement. Maybe I could get the hell out of here and potentially save her somehow. “ Now just try to hang on.”

         “ I’ll try. But I’m dying Violet. You have to hurry.” She coughed up some more blood and she wiped it away with her hand. 

                     “ You will be fine. I promise. Once I get free. I’m gonna get you some help.”  I quickly turned my head around and glanced around for the scissors. I soon spotted them after a few seconds.

              I slowly lifted up one of my legs and tried slipping off one of my boots. After a lot of tries I got the boot off and soon tried the other one. After a few tries it worked out. I then moved my right foot back trying to reach the scissors and somehow pull them over towards me. 

              (Claire Pov)

         I exchanged fire with some of the attackers. There were a lot more than last time. I saw some of the 3 men last time. I then saw the man who I had shot in the arm. His arm looked better now and he was firing erratically around like a mad man. 

                I exchanged a few shots with him before my pistol ran out of bullets. “ Shit.” I muttered to myself. I took cover behind a brick wall as gunshots were fired in my direction.  

                I heard the sound of more gunshots and some screaming. God help us all in this situation. I took out my knife and clutched it close to my chest. I heard the sound of someone coming near to where I was located. As they rounded the corner I was about to stab them when I saw it was Becky holding an ak47. 

                   She jumped back when she saw me. “ Jesus Claire. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

                 “ Sorry. But hey I’m out of ammo. You have another gun I can borrow?” I quickly asked.  

                        She soon answered. “ No sorry. I’m almost out anyway too. But where are Kolson and Anais?”  

                   “ They are safe back at the house. Did you see James, anyone else?” I felt worried for all of their safety. 

                “ I don’t know. I was near the gate when the attack began. But luckily I managed to get away unscathed.  I almost got shot in the head by that blonde asshole. I’m guessing his name is George because that’s what everyone was calling him.” She quickly stood beside me, 

                  “ George? Hmm. So that’s the asshole I shot.” I looked down at the ground and back up again. “ So maybe we should try to get to the armory like last time.”

                  “ No we can’t. They will see us and fire at us and we can’t risk Jesse’s safety. He still hasn’t fully recovered from his gunshot wound.” She quickly stated.  

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