Chapter 58

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( Amani Pov)

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( Amani Pov)

The 4 of us rode silently on our horses as our horses calmly walked the abandoned highways leading into Hartford Connecticut. It had been 3 days since we had left Clinton. Nothing interesting had revealed its ugly head at us yet. I was also a bit worried because of the helicopters Claire said she saw and with that radio message Amir had picked up about the Realm. Whatever the hell that was. I pushed the brim of my old cowboy hat to see better as I was riding.

My horse, which was an American quarter, started to move slower. Poor girl was getting worn out. I sighed as I pulled on her reins to get her to stop. She did. Soon the others behind me stopped as well. " Why'd you stop?" Thiago asked as he rode beside me.

" My horse needs a rest. She's been walking all day." I replied as I stepped off of my horse and onto the pavement.

" I think all of our horses are gonna need breaks." Andalia replied as she rode up beside as well and dismounted her horse.

Aiden and Thiago rode up beside us and stopped their horses as well and dismounted. We all stood in the center of the abandoned highway just staring at each other. The horses were behind us. I sighed as I spoke first. " We'll let them rest up for a few minutes and then we'll be on our way again."

I leaned against an old cracking concrete barrier of the highway. Break, then we'll be on our way again. I slowly sat down. I saw Thiago come over towards me and he slowly sat next to me. " Hey."

I looked over at him. " What do you want?"

" I just wanted to talk. I know we don't get along cause I know I'm an asshole. But I just wanted to talk." He replied as he glanced at me.

" Ugh. What do you wanna talk about then?" I said as I looked back at him.

He shrugged. " How have you been I guess?'

" Peachy." I replied as I glanced at him again.

He nodded. " Okay I've been peachy as well. Me and Regina-"

I groaned. " God the last thing I wanna hear about is you and Regina's relationship. I'd like to keep whatever sanity I have left in this lifetime."

His face turned into a frown and I thought he was gonna say something. He then started to laugh a little and the frown disappeared. " Alright fine then." He smiled and tried to cover his mouth to stop laughing but snorts came out.

I started to laugh as I heard him snort. I nudged his shoulder. " God just stop. Please stop. Please go bother Aiden."

He removed his hand and let out a small laugh. " No I don't really want to. But I really want to talk about me and Regina's relationship. It's been on the rocks. We've been arguing a lot lately. I don't know if we need a break or to just end things."

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