Chapter 53

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(Gemma Pov)
      It had been a few days since Kade and Lou’s death and everything at Clinton. Noa and Kala still hadn't been found and they either had gotten far away or were dead. The last thought didn’t make me feel really good. 

        “ Gemma, are you ready to go?” I heard Jaco ask as I finished up putting my hair into a braid. 

                   I groaned and yelled back. “ Yes Jaco. I’ll be out in a minute.” I sighed and finished up and walked out of the room. 

                 I shut my door behind me and looked at him. He had a bag of something. He held it in his hand as he was smoking a cigarette. I looked at him. “ What’s in the bag Jaco?”

                   “ Barbiturate pills to help me relax.” He replied as he exhaled another puff of smoke. 

                   “ Why do you need so much?” I stared down at the bag again. 

       He shrugged as he stuffed the bag in his pants pocket and a part of it was still sticking out. “ Cause I feel like it. That’s why.” He then dropped the cigarette he was holding onto the ground and he stomped it out with his boot. “ Now come on. I have to go get your friend Greta cause she’s coming with us.”

                  I raised my eyebrow slightly. “ Why?”

               “ Abaddon wants to take her to show them at Clinton that he hasn't killed her yet.” Jaco said as we started walking down the hallway.  

                        I stopped walking and stared at him.  “ Hasn’t killed her yet? He won’t kill her. Will he?”   

                        He continued walking and said.  “ That’s his plan. After this supply pick up he plans to get rid of her because she is just another mouth to feed and is of no use.” 

                        I quickly started walking after him. “ Can’t he make her one of his wives or just a helper? She doesn’t need to die.” Greta didn’t need to die… she didn’t.

                  “ She gave that bitch who shot at him the gun. She deserves to die.” He said as he stopped and stared at me again.  

                  I didn’t reply and just returned the stare. He  turned away and started walking again. I sighed and quickly walked after him. We came to the room where Abaddon was holding Greta. He had James beat her for giving the gun to Amani. So as Jaco unlocked the metal door and opened it, she was huddled in the dark corner of the room  and her face and arms were covered in bruises and cuts. 

                “ Get up.” Jaco said coldly. 

        She looked up at us and slowly stood up and she dragged herself towards us. Her left leg then gave out and she quickly caught herself on Jaco and had her hands clinging to his waist.  “ Get off of me.” He pushed her off. 

                She pulled her hands back and stuffed them into her pockets. “ Sorry…” She replied in an emotionless tone. She looked dead inside… I stared at her and she didn’t even bother to make eye contact with me.  
          Jaco motioned for her to walk forward and she complied and walked in front of him with us following behind him. I kept silent and just walked, not even bothering to think about her being killed after this. I sighed as we got outside the set of double doors and came out to the parking lot where all the trucks were parked and Abaddon’s men were getting ready to go. 

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