Chapter 6

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I kicked the old door as I entered the house with the gun drawn. I banged on the wall just in case any Crazies which I now called Rotters popped up. It had been over a day since the incident with the 4 men and I refused to speak about it. I wasn't also doing very good because of my parents. I still couldn't believe they were gone. I was trying to hold on and Anais and Kolson helped me a lot during that.

             Anyway I heard the sound of footsteps and saw a Rotter coming out of the kitchen towards me. I flicked out a switchblade I had found in a car we searched. I stabbed it into the rotter's head. Blood seeped onto the hardwood floor and some blood was on my hands. But I just wiped it off onto the old white flowery curtains. 

                I walked into the kitchen and opened up all the cabinets. They were filled to the brim with canned foods. I smiled. At least one good thing happened. I opened my backpack and just started shoving many cans into it as fast as possible. 

            “ Anais! Kolson! Come help me get these cans!” I shouted out to them. 

         I heard them come into the house and eventually into the kitchen. “ Jeez. This will be enough to keep us going for months!” Anais exclaims excitedly as she puts some cans into her backpack. 

               “ There is so much!” Kolson smiled for the first time since 2 days ago. The kid had been through so much in the last week. He witnessed his dads death, he had witnessed the scene of my dead parents, and he had been violated and assaulted. 

              We soon managed to get as much of the canned food as we could and put our backpacks in the back of the truck. We then began to search more and more around the abandoned neighborhood.  

              I approached a small blue ranch style house. The door was slightly open and clothes and old junk were spread out everywhere on the front lawn. I cautiously stepped towards the house. 

              I got up to the front door and pushed it open all the way. The house was trashed. Everything had been overturned. There were broken windows, holes in the wall. It was just a mess and the smell was unbearable. I almost vomited as I ventured further into the house.  

             I didn’t see a stack of books behind me on the floor and I tripped over it and fell and crashed into a table. A lot of things smashed and created a lot of noise. “ Oh god.” I muttered as I wiped the blood from my forehead. 

    I slowly got up and turned my head to look down the hall. It was dark and I heard groaning coming from a room. I heard the door shaking. It was a Rotter trying to get out. 

               “ Ugh.” I said to myself and I turned around and started walking out of this shit box that was once called a home to someone.  

           I walked back outside and sat on the curb. I groaned heavily and hid my face in my hands. I stayed like that for a while and then looked up. I saw Anais and Kolson walking over towards me. “ We found some water and a few knives.” Anais spoke as she moved the hair out of her eyes. 

               I responded. “ Good now, let's get out of here.” I stood up and stretched. 

          We started to head back towards the truck. I was thinking about everything we had gone through in the last few days. We went through a lot. But now I was worried about my older sister Janet. What happened to her? Was she even still alive? I hoped she was. 

               Anais noticed the worried look on my face. “ Something wrong Claire?” She stopped and looked at me. 

               I quickly glanced my head up to look at her. “ Oh nothing. I’m just worried about my sister.” 

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