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As kids it was the best thing to share a room with your twin sister, but believe me, as you grow old you don't want to share any more.

I had barely even gotten into the house a few minutes ago, and I just wanted to go to bed after having closed off the rink, after my very first shift. For some odd reason it had been extra messy today, especially in the gym that was there. I had spent nearly two hours going around and cleaning.

It didn't help that the moment I stepped into Sunmi and I's shared room I heard loud and clear snogging sounds. Way to rub it in my face. I didn't say anything as I went to wash up and get ready for bed. I kid you not, there were still snogging sounds when I got back into the room. So what did I do? You're damn right I called Jake.

"Soph, it's midnight," Jake groggily muttered down his phone as he picked it up.

"Jake Sim, pick up your little magic board and come and save me," I begged him over the phone, making a small laugh sound from the other end.

"Why? What's happening? " he questioned me in amusement.

"I worked at the rink today, right? First shift. I get home, after having spent two hours cleaning. They're snogging, fair enough. I get out, wash up and get ready for bed and return to more snogging. They're still going at it! " I exclaimed at him.

"Yah, Soomin-ah. Be quiet," Sunmi called out to me, "and speak in Korean."

"I'll be quiet when you two'll let me sleep," I snapped back at her, "and I'll speak whatever language I want."

"It just got worse since that day I came? " Jake questioned me and I hummed at him.

"I'm gonna ask mom and dad if I can sort out the attic and make that my room instead," I admitted to him, making him gasp on the other end.

"I'll help you every day after school then," he assured me and I grinned widely.

"I'd love that," I nodded at him.

"Yah! Soomin!" Sunmi exclaimed and turned on her bedside table light as she looked over at me, "let your boyfriend be and go to sleep."

"How about you do the same?" I retorted to her, as Sunghoon just pulled the duvet up over his head. I seriously felt bad for him at that moment.

"Yah! I have the rights to the room. I was the one who lived here whilst you were overseas running around and playing with various boys, like some slut," she replied to me, making me widen my eyes, as did Sunghoon as he just stared at her.

"You're unbelievable," I muttered before grabbing my duvet and pillow and walking on into Jungwon's room. Jiyeon was apparently sleeping over.

This meant the couch or hallway for me. Too bad I was too lazy to go downstairs, which meant I had ended in the middle of the hallway.

"Did she just call you a slut?" Jake completely changed language over the phone.

"She said I played around with boys in Australia," I sighed with a small nod as a door in the hallway opened and I quickly shoved my phone under my pillow and pretended to sleep.

"Aish... Soo," Sunghoon's voice spoke before I could sense him stopping by my side, "why in the world would you decide to sleep here?" he gushed before pushing my hair out of my face, "don't listen to your sister. She can be a bit harsh sometimes. Even to me," he sighed before standing up and continuing down to the bathroom. I immediately pulled out my phone once again.

"Jake? You there?" I called out, immediately earning a hum, "can't I please come and help you unpack tomorrow? Or at least entertain Layla? She loves me, remember?"

"Why would you want to come?" Jake let out a small laugh.

"Because otherwise I'm trapped on a park day with Sunmi and Sunghoon... again," I replied to him, "and I already know I would not stand that anymore. It's enough that Sunmi already has become some kind of mean girl towards me, I don't need Sunghoon to just sit there and watch everything unfold in front of his eyes. I feel bad for him to suddenly be caught up in Sunmi's, no reason, anger towards me."

"Maybe she knows he likes you more," Jake reminded me, making me sigh.

"Shut up, that's not happening," I sighed at him, "just please let me come. Otherwise you're straight up handing me a one way ticket to hell."

"Soph..." Jake sighed, "then stay at your house tomorrow, I'll stop by and save the day."

"You're a lifesaver!" I happily whispered before my phone was snatched out of my hand.

"She'll talk to you tomorrow, bye," Sunghoon stated before looking down at me.

"I was in the middle of a conversation," I complained to him.

"You pretended to be asleep," he ignored my complaint.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone," I excused as I crossed my arms over my chest. Rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling beside Sunghoon's head.

"Except Jake?" he questioned and held up my phone, face only illuminated by the moon that shone through the nearest window.

"Because he doesn't mind me," I excused once again, "just lay it on my bedside table when you go back."

"No," Sunghoon stated, making me glance over at him, "you need to talk with either Sunmi or I, and I guess you don't want to speak with Sunmi."

"You're good at guessing," I commented as he sat down by the wall opposite of me, "so what do I need to talk about?"

"You tell me. You changed since you got home," he pointed out to me.

"I got less accepting of how I was treated," I shook my head, rolling my head back and forth on my pillow, "why? Do you miss the shy girl that just tagged along and was a silent watcher?"

"No. I miss the girl that would yell at me whenever I joked around with her," Sunghoon shook his head, "whenever I teased her on her height or pinched her cheeks."

"Who says it's not the same?" I questioned him.

"You don't seem to want to be around us anymore," he pointed out and I hummed at him.

"Maybe if I hadn't been in Australia for the past two years, I wouldn't mind. Then it would still be what it was," I excused to him, "but for once I felt wanted in a friend group, and not just irrelevant."

"I just thought being shy and secluded were part of your personality," he commented and I let out a small laugh at him.

"Of course it is, when you have a sister that's as outgoing and socially competitive as Sunmi," I reminded him and he just hummed before leaning his head back against the wall behind him.

"In the past... has there been anything I could've done differently?" he questioned after a short silence.

"It's not your fault, Sunmi is very good at being manipulative," I waved it off to him, "the only thing you could've done was to try and appreciate me a bit more."

"Then from now on I'll work on showing you more of how much I appreciate you," he offered, making me let out a silent laugh.

"It doesn't matter," I shook my head again.

"It doesn't?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Of course not. Now Jake is here, and we're both starting at the same school, I'll just stick with him, like I'm used to," I smiled at him.

"You're gonna replace us with some Aussie?" he questioned me and I just nodded at him.

"He's actually really great. If you tried talking to him like a civilian person, you'd love him immediately," I assured.

"Hm, I doubt it," he muttered in return.

"Whatever," I sighed and waved him off, "go back to cuddle my sister, she's probably sensing something's up."

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