Chapter 52: Discrepancies Between Senseis

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"In the morning during class today, I conducted a practical exam within the class," Mutsuki told Tanimura Toshihiro about what happened in class.

However, Mutsuki slightly embellished the students' complaints, as their criticisms were quite strong.

"I just wanted to motivate them to practice more seriously, and I didn't expect something like this to happen. I'm truly sorry," Mutsuki said apologetically.

"It's my fault for being too harsh in my evaluation. I should have been more lenient with them," Mutsuki shifted all the blame onto himself.

Although it was Tanimura Toshihiro's inadequate teaching that led to the students' dissatisfaction, Mutsuki merely ignited the situation. But Mutsuki didn't want any flaws in his own character, so he chose to directly inform Tanimura Toshihiro about everything, admitting fault and stating that he unintentionally did something with good intentions.

Even if the ins and outs of the matter are thoroughly explained, Mutsuki won't be considered a person with ulterior motives. After all, he informed Tanimura Toshihiro about everything right after it happened. Someone who cares so much about their colleague can't have any malicious intentions.

"Well..." Tanimura Toshihiro didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew the students were right; his teaching skills were indeed inferior to Mutsuki's, quite average in comparison.

But at the Academy, there was no one who could be compared to Mutsuki. A new sensei who, within one or two months, became well-known throughout the school, gained recognition from both staff and students and even received praise from Lord Third after being summoned.

Comparing himself, an ordinary sensei, to Mutsuki was simply uncomfortable.

"I've asked them not to criticize you anymore, but they are just kids. They might agree on the surface, but you never know what's in their hearts," Mutsuki sighed, expressing regret as he looked at Tanimura Toshihiro.

"It's okay, I won't mind. After all, they're just six-year-old kids," Tanimura Toshihiro said with a hearty laugh.

Even if criticized directly by the students, Tanimura Toshihiro would not give up the position of Taijutsu sensei for Class 1-1. This is because the class has excellent practical combat results, not only securing the top two positions in the grade-level practical combat but also leading in the average scores for class-level practical combat in the first year.

Although he knows these achievements have little to do with his teaching, these are tangible results. There is no need to worry about performance, and the bonus will only increase.

"Yumi-sensei, I know you. You're definitely thinking about the students," Tanimura Toshihiro expressed that he understood Mutsuki's good intentions.

Despite the unexpected incident, Tanimura Toshihiro still regarded Mutsuki as a good colleague. In the event of trouble, Mutsuki immediately came to apologize and inform him.

Originally, it was Tanimura Toshihiro's Taijutsu class in the morning, but he had something to attend to, so he switched with Mutsuki for the afternoon class. Mutsuki readily agreed at the time.

Tanimura Toshihiro had heard about Mutsuki helping other senseis with substitute teaching, but doing it himself would be challenging. Once or twice might be manageable, but having a sensei ask him to fill in every week would be difficult to endure.

High teaching proficiency, leading the class in academic performance across the entire grade, praised by Lord Third, handsome with a good temperament—Tanimura Toshihiro could only admit that the female senseis in the office had some valid points when they discussed Mutsuki every day.

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