Chapter 105: Flame Breathing Sensation

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The afternoon rewards were somewhat less meaningful compared to the morning, just a Water Release and Earth Release with ordinary power.

However, as a reward for four hours of class, Mutsuki felt it was quite good.

In the evening, Mutsuki continued practicing breathing techniques with Shisui, Obito and Guy.

None of the three had yet found the sensation of breathing techniques, remaining at the initial stage of breath training.

"Remember, breathing has its techniques; it's not just about taking in a big breath." Mutsuki emphasized repeatedly.

"Technique, technique, technique..." Obito kept muttering this word in his mouth, attempting to hypnotize himself into breathing with skill.

"If you want to suggest something, just silently think it in your mind, don't say it out loud," Mutsuki said, poking Obito's abdomen with a finger.

Obito, in pain, gasped and drew in a breath sharply.

He had never imagined that something as fundamental as breathing would have techniques and be so difficult to learn.

It was much harder than things like the Great Dragon Fire and Chakra Nature Transformation.

Practicing the Great Dragon Fire may not have been successful at first, but at least he could produce some sparks. Practicing Nature Transformation was slow progress, but relying on the warmth of his hands could melt the Ice Block a bit.

Yet, in practicing breathing techniques, Obito felt like he could breath all the air in the forrest and still not make any progress.

Obito felt that at this rate, even if he improved his Great Fireball through inhaling and exhaling, he might not necessarily learn the breathing techniques.

However, seeing that even Shisui had no clue, Obito felt relieved. If Shisui, who was usually skilled, was struggling, then it was genuinely difficult.

Both Obito and Shisui, practicing Flame Breathing, were in the same situation. Not to mention Guy, who faced the even more challenging Stone Breathing, had made no progress either.

However, Mutsuki was not too worried about Guy's situation. The resolute and unyielding will required for Stone Breathing suited Guy well. As long as Guy continued his usual diligent training, Mutsuki believed he would be fine.

On the second day of practicing breathing, the three disciples still had a Proficiently level of zero.

On the third evening, finally, one disciple achieved a breakthrough, reaching a bit of Proficiently. It was Obito, who was practicing Flame Breathing.

"Yumi-sensei, I feel like I've sensed something different while practicing the breathing technique. Could it be that I've grasped it?" Obito suddenly exclaimed.

"It's not considered grased, but you've officially initiated the practice of the breathing technique." Mutsuki, who had been observing from the side, replied. He assessed Obito's Proficiency level and confirmed that it was no longer zero.

He had thought Shisui would be the first to break through zero, but unexpectedly, it was Obito.

Mutsuki considered that Obito's personality might be more suitable for Flame Breathing, hence the quicker progress.

Flame Breathing is suitable for individuals with a passionate and cheerful nature, whose inner selves are as intense as flames. Although Shisui is not introverted, he seemed a bit distant from the fiery enthusiasm required.

"Well, seize this feeling and continue to delve deeper. Once you become familiar, you can move on to the next training," Mutsuki nodded and said.

This inhalation and exhalation breath practice is only for the Beginner of Beginners, and there are many training stages to follow.

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