Chapter 126: Lightning Release: False Darkness

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Monday afternoon, at the Academy.

The homeroom teachers of the first-year classes had already reminded their students to go to the main auditorium for the theory class, so there were no awkward incidents of students not showing up for the first major lesson.

"So many people."

"Isn't that Uchiha Shisui from Class 1-1?"

"And also from Class 4..."

The vast majority of students were attending this kind of major class for the first time, feeling a sense of freshness and excitement as they discussed various things with their friends.

Knock, knock!

"Everyone, please quiet down a bit. The class is about to begin." Mutsuki, who walked into the classroom, gently reminded them as he knocked on the table.

Everyone from Class 1-1 instantly closed their mouths, and most of the students from other classes also stopped talking, except for a few bolder students who continued their whispered discussions.

"This seems to be Yumi-sensei, who I heard was an excellent teacher last semester."

"We'll see how good he is in a bit."

Mutsuki paid no attention to the faint sounds that didn't disturb the classroom and continued speaking:

"Everyone, take out your textbooks. Today, we will be learning about the History of Konoha, Volume One."

"During the Warring States period, there was a great Ninja clan centered around benevolence, the Senju clan..."

Although it was the History of Konoha, it didn't start from the establishment of Konoha. It began with how Konoha was established and rose during times of war.

As a sensei, Mutsuki had read the three books on the History of Konoha several times.

How should I put it? Overall, it was similar to what he remembered of history, but there were some stylistic techniques in the specific descriptions.

For example, there was more praise for the Senju. Although in Mutsuki's eyes, the Senju and Uchiha were Ninja clans fighting their own battles, the textbooks portrayed the Senju Clan as upholding justice, while the presence of the Uchiha Clan was considerably dimmer, with Uchiha Madara being portrayed as the greatest villain in Konoha's history.

On the point of Uchiha Madara, Mutsuki mostly agreed. Uchiha Madara could indeed be considered the biggest villain in Konoha's history, because at that time, Uchiha Madara had already been tricked and didn't care at all about Konoha.

Mutsuki was very familiar with the textbook. He rarely read from the book while teaching because he had a timeline in his mind and could speak along that, explaining the points of knowledge while also sharing historical anecdotes.

This was how he learned from his high school history sensei. Back in high school, his history sensei would teach like this, discussing knowledge points while telling interesting stories and historical anecdotes.

However, Mutsuki didn't dare to play around with Konoha history in class. On the surface, Konoha appeared to be an ordinary city, but in essence, it was actually a military base.

"This sensei is indeed better than the previous theory class sensei." Those students who hadn't taken Mutsuki's classes had to admit that Mutsuki's lessons were a bit more interesting.

After all, some theoretical knowledge could be dry and boring. If the sensei was the type to read straight from the textbook, it could really be so boring that it would make you want to doze off.

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