Chapter 127: Emergency Jonin Meeting

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The next day, Obito continued to send Shadow Clones to attend the Academy while he himself went to train in the Southern Forest.

Although the feeling of attending classes would eventually return, training was still necessary.

"I can't afford to lose to Guy again in the grade-level combat exam in a month!" Obito thought to himself.

In the battles against Guy, he lost a lot and won very little. Obito was unwilling to accept this, because they were both students of Mutsuki, undergoing similar training. How could Obito possibly accept defeat?

Furthermore, Obito had never taken first place in the grade-level combat exam. He felt unsatisfied with this, and it made him unsure when arguing with Kakashi.

"Becoming an excellent ninja starts with taking first place in the grade-level combat exam!" Obito shouted with great determination.

Beside him, Shisui, unable to empathize, still offered words of encouragement.

"Comprehend the flames, understand the power of the flames," Shisui recalled the key points of Mutsuki's teachings, simultaneously using the Breathing Technique to begin the Chakra Nature Transformation of fire.

As his Breathing Technique was still not quite proficient, requiring intense concentration, Shisui made several mistakes before succeeding.

The leaves in Shisui's palm turned into black ash, and he lightly flicked his hand, not feeling anything particularly special.

Shisui had never expected to complete the training in one go, especially since Guy, who had started first, was still stuck at comprehending the power of the attribute. Shisui continued with his Nature Transformation practice.

Simultaneously performing Nature Transformation and the Breathing Technique drained Shisui's energy and stamina quickly. During breaks, Shisui didn't rest idle, using Fire Release to ignite wood and further feel the flames.

Though somewhat crude, this method was indeed direct.

By noon, when Mutsuki's main body arrived, Shisui had not yet comprehended anything.

When Mutsuki arrived, he first gave each of them an evaluation, and their proficiency had not changed, remaining at fifteen points.

"Let's continue training later, first let's eat," Mutsuki smiled.

What used to be the happiest moment of the day now made Obito somewhat fearful. The memory of the extreme spiciness from before was still fresh in his mind.

"Well, spicy is spicy, the first meal shouldn't be a problem," Obito quickly took the lunchbox.

From his experience, finishing the first meal was usually fine, but the real trouble came afterward.

As Obito expected, when he opened the lunchbox, it was all red, with bright red chili peppers catching his eye.

"So spicy, yet so delicious!" Obito exclaimed as he eagerly devoured the food.

Mutsuki's cooking was just too delicious, making it difficult for Obito to resist even though it was very spicy.

How to describe that feeling? It was like someone with the intention of eating less to lose weight, then they end up eating their favorite dish, unconsciously shifting from the goal of eating less to just not overeating.

As Obito continued to devour his meal, his eyes became somewhat unfocused, immersed in the illusion of flames.

Once he snapped out of it, Obito quickly finished the remaining food and immediately began practicing Flame Breathing, wasting not a moment.

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