Chapter 65: Second Exam

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On Monday, as it was the day of the exam, Kotetsu did not go to the Academy too early.

He had been reviewing for two weeks, so there was no need to struggle for those ten to twenty minutes in the morning.

On the way, Kotetsu encountered Izumo, who was also heading to school.

"Izumo, good morning," greeted Kotetsu with a brilliant smile.

"Good morning, Kotetsu," responded Izumo with a smile upon seeing his good friend.

"How was your weekend? Did you play, or were you studying all two days?" asked Kotetsu in a friendly manner.

"Study? Study my ass!" laughed Izumo.

Izumo asked, "Did you study?"

"I didn't study," replied Kotetsu, shaking his head, and then added, "Serious people don't review before exams."

"Can the results of last-minute revision be considered genuine skills?" Izumo nodded in agreement.

The two exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

"Shogi is really fun. After the exam, Kotetsu, you must give it a try," said Izumo, looking like a serious gaming enthusiast.

However, in his mind, he was thinking that things were now stable. Kotetsu probably hadn't really reviewed, and his only remaining opponent was Shisui.

"I'll give it a try when I have time. Recently, the novels I've been reading are really good. Izumo, you should check them out when you have time," Kotetsu recommended novels with a smile, as if he had genuinely read them.

"It should be fine. Izumo indeed hasn't reviewed and has been playing games all along. My only competition in this exam is Shisui," thought Kotetsu inwardly.

"Haha, I'll definitely check them out when I have time," responded Izumo with a hearty laugh, feeling quite pleased.

"Why are you two so happily chatting?" Anko appeared from behind and patted both of them on the shoulders.

"We're discussing how we spent our weekend," explained Kotetsu with a smile.

"Spent the weekend? Don't tell me you guys haven't reviewed at all?" Anko asked.

"Of course not. Anko, have you been reviewing these past two days?" Izumo asked with a surprised expression.

"No, not really. I just reviewed for a day yesterday," Anko replied after a moment of thought.

In reality, she had only spent half an hour reading a book on Sunday night, but when Izumo asked, making it sound like he had reviewed for two days, Anko felt it was a bit embarrassing to admit, so she lied and said a whole day.

"Oh, you reviewed for a day. That's good," said Kotetsu with a smile.

It was just one day, and there was no way it could pose a threat to him, who had been reviewing for half a month. In fact, Kotetsu felt Anko had reviewed less and probably should have spent the last two days reviewing.

"If you do well on the exam and get rewarded by your family, don't forget your brothers," Izumo joked with a smile.

"Hehe, considering your enthusiasm for games and novels, I suppose it's not too bad either," Anko was in a good mood.

Soon after, the three of them walked together to the Academy, entering their classroom and waiting for the exam to begin, chatting and laughing along the way.

Before long, Mutsuki and Ueda Aya entered Class 1-1. This time, Mutsuki drew the lot to be the invigilator for his own class.


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