Chapter 67: Semi Finals

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"Please have examinee number 37, Isao Akasaki, and examinee number 38, Uchiha Shisui, enter the examination room."

Upon hearing that his opponent was Shisui, Isao Akasaki stood frozen in place for a moment.

Undoubtedly, Shisui was the opponent that students of the first year class least wanted to encounter.

No doubt about it, Shisui was just too strong.

In the previous exam, Shisui had effortlessly secured the first place in the class and the first place in the grade, crushing everyone in his path. Even Anko, who was in second place in the grade, could only be overwhelmed by him.

The scores in practical exams were determined by performance during the battle. If you were instantly defeated, the supervising sensei wouldn't be able to see your performance, resulting in a lower score.

But since Isao Akasaki had drawn Shisui as his opponent, he could only accept his bad luck and enter the examination room.

After Mutsuki announced the start of the exam, Isao Akasaki paid no attention to anything else. He immediately went through the Three Basic Jutsu, showcasing his proficiency in them.

"This student seems to have a good understanding of the exam scoring rules," nodded Ueda Aya, not finding anything wrong with Isao Akasaki's approach.

Shisui silently watched Isao Akasaki's performance. When he felt it was about enough, he swiftly threw two Shuriken to eliminate the Clones, then rushed forward, delivering two punches to knock Isao Akasaki down.

"The difference in strength between these two is too great," remarked Ueda Aya, unable to discern any significant changes in Shisui's abilities compared to the last time.

Isao Akasaki's strength was far inferior to Shisui's; it was almost impossible to see any notable skills.

After the battle between the thirty-ninth and fortieth students concluded, Ueda Aya completed the first round of scoring. Glancing casually over the forty students, she noticed that none of them had a score below 8 points, an extremely exaggerated average.

"This exam, I reckon, Mutsuki, you'll once again earn praise from Lord Third-sama. If these scores get reported, I might be called in for questioning," Ueda Aya joked.

"Well, then we'll probably be questioned together," Mutsuki glanced at Ueda Aya's scores, which were similar to his.

Even though they were students from his class, excellence was excellence, and Mutsuki didn't feel the need to avoid suspicion by intentionally giving low scores.

As the battles continued, students inevitably faced moments when they had to fight against their friends. Izumo tearfully eliminated Kotetsu, and Anko tearfully eliminated Izumo.

"Hahaha, Kotetsu, your Confusion Jutsu is really not up to par," Izumo, who had defeated his good friend, used a smile to conceal his sadness and comfort his dear brother.

Kotetsu: "..."

He swore to practice every day during the holidays, vowing to defeat Izumo and regain his pride next semester.

"Hahaha, Izumo, Kotetsu, how could you two ninjutsu talents possibly be a match for the genius Anko?" Anko, who had entered the class's practical finals, stood proudly with hands on hips.

The two exchanged glances, deciding that on the day when theoretical scores were announced, they would unleash a strong attack against Anko.

"Examinee Mitarashi Anko and examinee Uchiha Shisui, please enter the examination area." The class practical exam entered its final stage.

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