Chapter 55: New Body Flicker Jutsu

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Shisui wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand and leaned against a big tree to take a break.

Might Guy and Obito also finished their training and were about to start a battle based on the number of questions.

"Today's youth has come to the time it should be released," Might Guy said with a serious expression, his muscles tense, already preparing to make a move.

In reality, Might Guy felt more pressure than Obito because he initially carried a debt of fifty questions on his shoulders and had to continuously hit Obito to reduce it.

"Absolutely cannot exceed thirty questions, or else there won't be time tomorrow night," Obito took a deep breath, his eyes filled with the desire for victory and fear of the questions.

He also wanted to go out and have fun with Rin on Saturday night, and he definitely couldn't accumulate too many questions.

"Begin," Mutsuki shouted.

As Mutsuki's words fell, Might Guy instantly charged forward, swiftly delivering a powerful whirlwind kick towards Obito.

Obito rapidly distanced himself, aiming to minimize the chances of getting hit.

After standing for a while, Shisui sat down, watching Obito and Might Guy engage in such a serious battle, couldn't help but exclaim:

"It's really good, the joy of companionship in normal times, and when sparring, giving it your all for mutual progress."

Shisui felt the camaraderie between friends was truly wonderful.

Upon hearing this, Obito nearly stumbled and fell to the ground. If he didn't give it his all, he would indeed have to sprint madly and progress like crazy on the solitary path of solving problems.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat him, Obito really wanted to ask Mutsuki if Shisui could join this kind of training.

Although he didn't fall, Obito was successfully seized by Might Guy, who took advantage of the opportunity, adding one more question.

With this experience, Obito temporarily corrected his tendency to be easily distracted and focused all his attention on countering Might Guy's attacks.


Five minutes later, Mutsuki beside them announced the outcome of the battle.

"Obito, thirty-five questions. Guy, fifteen questions."

"Thirty-five questions..." Obito's face revealed a bitter expression. It was five more than his baseline, and doing so many questions could make a person dizzy. How was he supposed to go and play with Rin?

Might Guy's expression also showed some discomfort. Getting beaten every day, Obito had made significant progress, and now he couldn't reduce the questions to just ten as he used to.

"No worries. If you can't finish them today, you can do it in installments. Take a week to complete it, just five questions a day. Consider four questions as interest," Mutsuki said with a smile.

Doing too many questions in a day might be too much for Obito's brain to remember. It would be like doing them in vain.

Obito was a bit hesitant about installment payments because originally, there were only thirty-five questions. But with installments, it would become thirty-nine questions.

However, if he didn't do it in installments, finishing them in a short time would be exhausting, and he wouldn't have the energy to play with Rin.

"Then let's do it over seven days," Obito replied weakly.

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