62. Where was Indrajeet?

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Author's POV

Indrajeet was shattered to witness Ambika talking to the unknown woman whom Khyati had sent to gather the information about Raghav.

Unaware of her pregnancy, he left the Him regions the very next day with an intention to never come back, but Raghav had found out where he was.

Indrajeet had gone to his maternal home, and to ease out his frustration he began exercising extensively, transforming his body completely in these five months.

Indrajeet POV (one month ago)

In the past four months, I've been training myself physically like some machine, that demands no rest, care or love. Ambika had taken away all my feelings with her. For the first time in my life, I had fallen for someone like this, and she betrayed me so badly.

"Jeet, it's been months and you haven't asked for any woman. You don't crack jokes anymore. You don't seem lively like before. What happened, brother?"

My uncle's son enquired, hindering my push ups. I inhaled sharply before leaving the position, and straightening up.

"You really fell for that woman!"

He exclaimed, but no significant change was discernable in my expressions. I sucked on my lower lip, and glanced at him to ask.

"Did you receive any letters from Vijaygarh lately?"

I asked, wiping the sweat off my body with a towel. Ranveer used to send letters to me regarding the whereabouts of Vijaygarh. He informed me about how he has been spying over them for the past few months.

I got to know about his wedding, and Raghav bhaiya's wedding too. I didn't know about Raghav bhaiya's birth mystery, but the day I got to know that, a turmoil of emotions stirred within me.

I wanted to see him as my elder brother, but my steps stopped every time I wondered about Ambika being there. I just didn't want to face her now. I hope bhaiya must have got to know her real intentions by now.

The identity revelation of Raghav bhaiya made me feel secured and protected once again. I no longer felt alone, as if I knew that I had someone's hand over my head, exactly like my mother's.

A few days passed like that and I received a message from Raghav bhaiya to visit Vijaygarh, and collect some evidence in favour of Chandralekha bhabhi.

There was only one thing that I could get in her favour - the letter that was used to frame Maharaj Vishwaroop. It definitely had Devgarh's royal stamp, but the liquid that was used as its seal belonged to Vijaygarh, and this could prove Yuddhjeet and Khyati guilty.

Even when I had the plan, I couldn't visit Vijaygarh because Khyati is there, and I just can't do anything until she stays there. She gets to know everything happening all across Vijaygarh.

To my good luck, I received a news of Khyati's death a few days later, and that is when I decided to go to father's place - Vijaygarh. I had never imagined that she could die - the Khyati could die, but no one is immortal, and every poison has an antidote, so did she.

Mounting on my horse, I progressed to the house of the main judiciary members of Vijaygarh, who had proved Maharaj Vishwaroop guilty months ago.

I eavesdropped on people talking about two of them being dead, so I sneaked into the house of that one, who was still alive.

It was midnight, nobody seemed to be alive over there, since the public was mourning their Rajmata's death unwillingly, under the orders of their unwanted Samrat.

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