
978 36 12

song suggestion: ocean eyes -billie eilish

❀ 8:30am

sunoo felt himself slowly regaining consciousness as his eyelids fluttered open. it took a short moment for his pupils to adjust to the bright sunlight honing into the room. once he was able to focus, the corners of his mouth subconsciously lifted.

his soft eyes watched his four year old daughter, eunjoo, as she rest peacefully besides him. this was his world. this is what made his life worth living.

cuddling closer to his 'little flower' (which is what eunjoo meant), he burried his nose in her squishy cheeks. nuzzling the small girl out of her slumber.

the flower that sunoo held precious to him. the most fragile and purest form of beauty. nothing had ever, and would ever hold more value in the male's life.

"are you hungry?" the male's honey irises that had specks of green scattered within them like the stars scattered across the night skies, searched the girl's face as she yawned with her eyes still shut.

"can we have pancakes?" finally, the small child's big and bright eyes opened wide with excitement. her irises were nothing but a reflection of kim sunoo's. the same beautifully unique honey brown dancing with hints of green.

"hm..." sunoo pretended to think of an answer when he knew it from the start. the man could never say no to his daughter, even if he tried.

"please dada?" the girl placed her hand on her father's cheek and stared at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could ever see. sunoo felt himself almost breakdown because of how much love he felt rushing through him.

he gently placed his hand over her tiny baby one and gave a little squeeze. "only if you get dressed and get ready for the day." he bargained, knowing the answer was going to be a 'yes' regardless.

without skipping a beat, she sat up excitedly. ending their morning cuddles that sunoo loved oh so much.

"okay! i'll go brush teeth right now!" only thing seen was her hello kitty pajamas and pigtails racing towards their bedroom door at the speed of light. 

sunoo couldn't hold in his laugh any more and let out a hearty giggle. 

she was the best thing that had ever happened to him and sunoo lived with zero regrets.

❀ 9:20am

"would you like one or two pancakes, baby?" sunoo questioned the girl as he stood over the heated stove, preparing their breakfasts. 

"two, please!" the small voice echoed in the small apartment as the child 'read' her picture book. in reality, she couldn't read yet but she liked looking at the pictures.

"you got it captain!" sunoo affirmed as he placed a small pink plate down that had four apple slices and two cut up pancakes. luckily for sunoo, eunjoo loved fruits and vegetables so he never had a problem with her eating most of her food.

"daddy, what's a captain?" eunjoo was a curious girl, so it wasn't uncommon for her to ask many, many questions. even if they were a little insulting to her dad. although, sunoo never tried to take anything to heart since she never meant any harm.

"a captain is like the boss of something. for example, if there's a boat, there's always a captain who's in control and drives the boat." sunoo explained simply as possible as he sipped on his morning coffee. 

this is what their days usually looked like. sunoo cooks breakfast after they get ready for the day, they have their morning discussions about anything that comes to mind, sunoo drinks his coffee, and then they begin their day. 

it was simple, but when it was the two of them together, it didn't matter what they were doing. they just enjoyed being together. that's what love means.

❀ 6:00am

jay groaned as he stretched his sore muscles after hearing the blaring and obnoxious noise of his alarm. his deep brown eyes shot open in annoyance.

he harshly pressed the off button on the small, but loud device and laid his back down on the bed once again. there he was, alone in his guest bedroom that felt nothing but cold. not just in temperature, jongseong felt the icy feeling of lonesomeness.

jay sighed, what a terrible way to wake up every morning. he decided it was just time to get himself up and prepare himself for the long day he knew was ahead of him. so he tore off the white and blank comforter from on top of his body and slid into his slippers. 

as he made his way out of the guest room, he noticed from his ceiling to floor windows, that the sun had yet to come up from it's own slumber. 

the crisp air nipped at his skin, sending goosebumps all over him. the man peered around his large family home that had everything he could possibly want or need. 

besides one thing... a family. 

ignoring his brain's depressing intrusion, he made his way towards the shared bedroom and opened it as quietly as possible. thankfully, his attempt of keeping the woman at rest was successful and he slowly shut the entrance softly.

when he turned around, a small sigh could be heard. jay walked in a light manner until he reached the side of his previous bed.

his wife sena, laid sound asleep like a baby. it was only times like this when she didn't know of his presence, that her face was this calm. 

guilt and shame was weighing in on his conscious. he wondered why she couldn't look this peaceful when the two of them were together. but he knew the reason all too well.

their marriage was furthest from happy. it was breaking apart, piece by piece. and jay couldn't figure out a way to pick up the shattered fragments without making himself bleed.

she was beautiful; sena. she had the face that only the extremely lucky could witness. but not only was her physical appearance beautiful, her soul was as well. 

she was one of those women you could only dream of being half of. everything was natural for her. her kindness, her grace, her beauty. one of the women you see, and never forget.

and jay was no exception to witnessing her beauty.

❀ 7:30am

jay stared into the abyss as he sipped his coffee. his breakfast was beginning to get cold but all he could do was sit and think.

it wasn't long before his wife had awaken, trotting elegantly into the kitchen with her robe trailing behind her. 

"i made breakfast." jay spoke, a silence followed and carried in the grand fancy kitchen. 

sena turned her head to observe her husband that sat across from her, at the kitchen island, as she stood in the doorway.

"thank you." there was nothing else to say. nothing at all. it was actually quite suffocating for the woman. she appreciated the thought but she didn't want to let this gesture be a gateway into a further discussion.

she didn't want to fight right now. she was exhausted. 

I'm so, so excited about this book. thank you @cjhhh12 for this plot suggestion! 

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