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as the two slept throughout the morning, their bodies close, something (or should i say, someone) had other plans. 

eunjoo woke up that morning and felt the emptiness of her and sunoo's bed. not feeling the warmth of her father, she groggily stumbled out of the blankets in her pink bunny pajamas.

she rubbed her sleepy eyes and dragged her stuffed bear along with her to exit the bedroom. eunjoo's tiny feet patted the flooring beneath her as she walked through the hallway to get to her destination.

once she arrived to the living area, her hair defied gravity as she stood in the open and dazedly stared at the figures that laid in an array of blankets.

to a sleepy four year old, the small makeshift bed looked way more comfortable than her real bed that she slept in every night.

as she approached the pallet, she noticed the other person next to her father was oddly familiar. it wasn't until she got completely close, that she realized it was in fact, mr. park.

coming to this realization, she happily made her decision.

the little girl quietly crawled onto the cover, making sure not to awake the the sleeping adults up from their slumber. eunjoo wondered when mr. park had arrived. this was the second time she had woken up to the both of them sleeping peacefully together in the living room.

she scooted into the covers and pushed her way between the two, making sure her bear had a place to sleep beside her as well. it felt warm and safe as she settled into her new resting place.

subconsciously, sunoo felt the familiar tiny frame laying near him and used his arm to bring her closer, cuddling her tight. a big dimpled smile erupted onto his daughter's face as she snuggled closer to him.

when she looked over however, she began to frown. 

mr. park looked lonely all by himself. 

she used her free hand and reached to grab his hand that rested on top of the blanket. she felt that everyone deserved to be cuddled and warm, especially in the winter time. 

plus, she missed having mr. park around.

❀ song recommendation: in a good way -faye webster

jongseong's eyes slowly came to as he gained consciousness. when he blinked, he witnessed a scene he thought he'd never experience.

kim eunjoo and a stuffed bear resided right in between him and sunoo. sunoo's head laid on his pillow while eunjoo's rested on sunoo's arm.

the brown bear was closest to where jay slept and as his eyes observed more of his surroundings, he noticed something else that could make the toughest creature melt into a puddle.

three of his fingers were being gripped onto by a much smaller hand. 

just as he came to this revelation, he noticed the other male had also began to wake up to the morning birds.

sunoo discovered his daughter had made her way into bed with them, a big smile overtook his prior sleepy expression.

the little girl laid unphased as her chest rose up and down peacefully.

the both of them finally made eye contact when sunoo realized the older was awake as well. "good morning." sunoo spoke first as they both smiled softly to one another.

"good morning." jay felt like he could explode with an indescribable feeling he got as he woke up without an empty space beside him.

"i can tell she's becoming attached to you." sunoo moved the chocolate brown strands of hair that spread across eunjoo's face. sunoo always thought he would only allow his daughter to become attached to people that he knew would stay in their lives forever. 

he didn't want her to become heartbroken if she accidently formed a bond with someone she would never see again.

jay listened to sunoo, his thumb soothed over the soft skin of the little hand that he held in his.

"she mentioned you a lot the past couple of months." as jay watched sunoo speak while brushing the girl's hair down, he could see an ounce of hidden emotions within sunoo's eyes. 

it made him feel guilt and regret.

"did she?" he began to frown at the thought of accidently disappointing the little one without even noticing.

"mhm. she kept asking when you would come back and play with her like you said." 

jongseong's frown only grew deeper. he had completely forgotten that he promised to play with eunjoo before he disappeared from their lives momentarily. the girl obviously hadn't forgotten though.

"she also mentioned you when we went to her mother's grave on our trip to visit my family." sunoo finally moved his eyes to make contact with the other. he wanted to share these things with jay, not because he wanted him to feel bad. but because he wanted him to know how much of an impact he's had on their little family.

the smile returned to his face as he seen jay becoming emotional because of what he said about his daughter. "she told her mother that you're 'nice and fun'." he chuckled softly at the memory.

that was it, jay turned to buried his head into his pillow as he felt the tears coming. this was too much, he felt like his heart was filling and he couldn't help to cry and wear it on his sleeve.

however this time, it wasn't out of agony. but out of happiness.

"awe don't cry, hyungie." sunoo cooed at the sight and reached over to rub the older's arm. it was funny to think such a hard exterior man was so soft and emotional on the inside. he was happy he got to witness those parts of the other.

after a minute, jay turned his head back to look at sunoo again while wiping his tears away with his free hand. he refused to let go of the girl until she was ready. 

jay felt like someone had given him this moment as a gift. he wanted to treasure it forever.

"i'm sorry, i guess i'm still emotional from last night." 

sunoo chuckled and shook his head. "that's okay, no need to apologize. it's just me."

due to the commotion, eunjoo began to stir awake and squeezed jay's fingers a little. jongseong looked up at sunoo excitedly from the cuteness the girl was emitting. 

"she's so precious." he said quietly as the girl had began to open her eyes.

this feeling felt like the missing pieces he was searching for. 

and he didn't want to lose it again.

jay is so dad coded😭

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