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jay found himself feeling lost. he could immediately tell this was worse than how his divorce with sena had affected him.

he could barely sleep, knowing he wouldn't wake up excited for the next days to come. his apartment felt gloomy and void of color.

sunoo and eunjoo would visit him some days and the sounds of their voices were no longer bouncing off the walls. they were now bare. 

after work, some days he would subconsciously drive towards sunoo's apartment. only to keep driving once he noticed where his mind had taken him.

"hello?" jay answered the phone groggily. since he's barely been able to sleep during the night, after work he basically sleeps the entire rest of the day away. there wasn't much else for him to do anymore, anyways.

"jay! i haven't heard from you in a while. i was getting a little worried." heeseung's voice echoed through his ears. it's the truth. he barely has spoken to people outside of his job. his energy always felt drained.

like the color had been drained out of his world and painted the skies from a bright blue, to black and white.

"yeah, sorry. i've been... busy." he didn't want to worry his hyung. it wasn't anything serious anyway. just him feeling the withdraws from seeing the only things that gave him life. he felt like a walking corpse.

"ahh, i see. eunjoo and sunoo must be giving you the run arounds, huh?" heeseung's chuckles sliced through the air as he joked.

heeseung was the one person jongseong would gush to all the time about how smart and funny eunjoo was. or how much he felt like he was falling for kim sunoo with no safety net. he's heard it all.

jay stayed silent for a moment, trying not to let the darkness that he's been experiencing spread in his heart after hearing their names.

"actually... uh, we're not seeing each other anymore." his dark brown eyes shifted around his gloomy bedroom. the curtains emitting little brightness into the room that was void of light.

"what?!" he heard the shocked raise of heeseung's tone, indicating he was completely unaware. "what happened? you guys seemed happy! you seemed happy." he emphasized the word 'you'. 

he had known jay for as long as he could remember. so long that they considered one another to be brothers. he could tell sunoo and his daughter has had a huge impact on jongseong. every time jay spoke highly of them, he could practically hear the pure tranquility dripping from every ounce of his being.

"i was..." jay sighed, sitting up from his previous sleeping position in the middle of his unkept bedding. "sunoo said we should have a 'break'." 

"a break? what for? i don't understand. i thought you were becoming a family. jay, i could literally feel how much you loved them."

"he said eunjoo was becoming too attached to me, and he wasn't sure of the future. which i understand. he's only trying to protect her. i respect him a lot for that." jay ran a hand through his hair that had been tossed around during his nap.

"i get it but you two weren't even in a relationship yet. how could he cut it off before it even started?" 

"i don't know. but i do know that i miss them so fucking bad that it hurts, hyung. it feels like my lungs are burning, hoping for a breath of air. i can barely eat, i can barely sleep. i've never felt this type of pain before." jay could no longer hold back his thoughts. it was weighing on him every single day.

"you should fight for what you want jay. or at least try. you said eunjoo's birthday is coming soon, why don't you buy her something and give it to her. i know you want to respect sunoo and his choice, but don't kill yourself trying to hold back." 

heeseung was always good at giving jay advice. even if it was wrong, even if it was a mistake to listen to him. he was always there to give his opinion when jay needed him the most.

"thank you, hyung." he spoke as he pushed the covers off of him. 

"what are brother's for?" heeseung replied light heartedly, easing some of jay's tensions before he ended the call.

he was going to do something. 

he had to. 

after getting himself together, he quickly drove to the store, hoping he would get there before it closed for the day. 

and luckily for him, he was just on time to shop around before they did. 

as he looked into the kids aisle, a wave of longing washed over him. even if it was only for a while, feeling even remotely close to being a father made him feel like the happiest man on the planet. 

staring at the wide variety of items made him feel slightly overwhelmed. he wanted to get something sentimental. something that he knew eunjoo was going to love. although, he knew she would appreciate anything he would get her. she always did.

after purchasing the items, he put them in the passenger seat and put the last few touches. he wanted everything to be perfect for his little girl. 

"jake. i know we're not on the best terms or anything but could i come to your place? i have a favor i need to ask from you." he spoke into his phone. over time he had seen more of jake than he probably would ask for.

but he knew jake wasn't a bad guy. quite the opposite, which was why he had such an opinion of him. he admitted to himself that he was jealous of the close relationship jake had with sunoo. and jake was well aware of this fact.

"uh sure... i'll send you my address." jake spoke unsurely. jay had never asked him for a favor before, let alone given him a call. it was a little awkward to jake for the older to speak so casually without any malice in his tone.

jay was quick to put the address into his gps and go where it led him.

daddy jay to the rescue

umbrella { sunjay }जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें