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|Matt's point of view|

Right after they left

"Hey loggy, you wanna go to the park?" i ask, since i don't know what else to do.

"Yea!" she throws her arms up in the air.

"Okay lets go to the park" i smile.

At the park

I was sitting on the bench while Logan played.

I look up and see Logan playing with a little boy around her age.

I take a picture of them and send it to cam.

Me: cam watch out. Logan's already got a bf *picture attached*

"Is she you daughter?" a girl asks, sitting next to me.

"Oh no, thats my friends' daughter. Im just watching her so they could go out" i answer.

"Thats sweet" she smiles. She was really pretty. She has blonde hair that goes a little past her shoulders, bright blue eyes, glasses, and freckles.

"Im McKenna" she introduces, holding out her hand.

"Im Matt" i smile, shaking her hand.

"Im thirsty" the little boy Logan was playing with, says.

McKenna grabs a water bottle out of her bag and gives it to him.

"Here you go" she says.

He takes a big sip before giving it back to her and running off to play with Logan again.

"Is he your son?" i ask.

"Yea. Thats Jackson" she smiles, pointing to the little boy.

"Thats a cute name" i say, smiling.


"Your really sweet. Your girlfriend is lucky" she exclaims smiles.

"Oh uh i don't have a girlfriend" i state, thinking of how Jessa cheated on me.

Her eyes go wide.

"What? How is it even possible that someone as cute and sweet as you doesn't have a girlfriend" she exclaims, laughing slightly.

"Well, i had one, but last month, i was about to ask her to move in with me, and so i went to her house and when i got there, I caught her cheating on me. So i started screaming at her, and threw the necklace, i was going to give to her, at her and left." i exclaim.

"I still haven't changed her picture as my lock screen" i laugh slightly.

"What did she look like?" she asks and i show her the same picture that was in the necklace i was supposed to give her.

She sees the picture and her eyes widen.

"What?" i ask.

"Nothing, its just a few months ago, Jackson's dad apparently thought he was too good for our family and i caught him cheating on me...with her" she says.

"Wait really? With Jessa?"

"Yea, yea that was definitely her" she confirms.

"Sorry, i know the feeling. It kinda suck" i say and she nods.

I checked the time and noticed it was already 7.

"Listen, i got to go, but maybe we could hang out sometime?" i offer, standing up and she does the same.

"I'd like that" she smiles, she hands me her phone and i put my number in.

"Dinosaur?" she asks, laughing at the contact name i put.

"Oh yeaaaaahh" i say like the koolaid man, as i hand her my phone.

"Cute, sweet and funny" she laughs.

She puts her number in and hands me my phone back.

"Logan!" i call out, getting her attention.

"What" she runs up to me.

''Its time to go" i say.

"But i don't wanna goooo" she whines.

"Mommy and Daddy will probably be home soon though loggy" i explain.

"But i dont wanna go home" she repeats.

"Would if we got ice cream on the way home?" i ask and her eyes light up.

"Really?!" she jumps up and down excitedly.

"Why not kid" i laugh.

"Yayy i love you Matt!" she exclaims, hugging me.

"I love you too Loggy" i said, kissing her cheek as she giggles.

"Nice bribery'' McKenna says, nodding her head.

"Thanks" i say, laughing.

"Who's this?" Logan asks.

"That's Jackson's mommy" i answer.

"Who's Jackson?" she asks and i laugh.

"The little boy you were playing with silly" i answer.

"Oh, hi" she says, waving to McKenna.

"Hi" McKenna waves back.

"Ok loggy, time to go" i say, grabbing her hand and we leave the park.

Heyyyyyy peeeeooooppplllleeeeee

Lol ok so u met McKenna!! Aka

Q: blue or pink?

A: blueeee i hate the color pink sm!!

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