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|Amber's point of view|

When i wake up, my head is pounding.

I turn around, slowly, and see Cameron laying next to me.

I smile as he stirs in his sleep.

I look around and realize that our clothes are thrown around the room.

Cam wakes up and smiles at me.

"Mornin''' he says, him voice scratchy.

"Morning. What happened last night?" i ask, not remembering much.

"I don't even know" he says, pulling me closer to him.

I quickly kiss him, as Carter runs into our room.

"Guys we gotta go. Someone called the cops!" he says, and rushes out the door.

"Crap" cam and i say simultaneously. We quickly get up, throwing our clothes back on before rushing out the back door, and piling into his car.

We get back to the hotel and i hope Logan is still sleeping, we look horrible and we smell like alcohol.

When we get to our room, luckily Logan is still sleeping.

"Im gonna take a shower" i tell cam.

"Okay" he quickly kisses me and i go into the bathroom, locking the door.

I take a quick shower and throw on white shorts and a black 'future hearts' tank top. (Future hearts is the new all time low album if u didn't know)

I get out and Cam quickly takes a shower while i get Logan ready.

"Hey you wanna go out for lunch?" cam asks, once he gets out of the shower.

"Sure." i answer. "Logan wanna go out to eat?"

"Yea" she exclaims.

"Okay" i smile "where are we going?" i ask Cam.

"I don't know. There's a burger place up the street?" he suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds great"

We get to the restaurant, which is more of a diner, and get a seat near a window.

"Hey hotstuff." i hear. I turn around and see that our waitress is the same girl from the cheesecake factory.

She winks at Cam, and he turns to me.

"We can eat somewhere else if you want." he says.

"No. Its fine, you wanted to eat here" i state.

"What do you want to drink, babygirl?" i ask Logan.

"Appa ju" (apple juice)

"Apple juice?" cam says.

''Yes daddy. Appa ju" she says sassily and we both laugh.

I see Kayla writing it down, then turns to Cam.

"Im gonna have a coke" he orders.

"And for you?" she turns to me.

She's actually taking my order this time..

"Um im just gonna have a water"

"Okay. I'll be right back with your drinks" she fake-smiles.

"Okay then..." i mumble.

She comes back with our drinks and we order our food. I take a sip of my water after she walked away.

"Ew! This water tastes like shi-" i start but stop myself when i remember Logan is right next to me. "-zzle. Shizzle" i finish.

Cam just starts laughing at me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Shuuut uuuuup. It was last second" i whine.

"Okay" he laughs, leaning over the table to peck my lips.

Kayla comes back with our food, sends Logan and I each a dirty look and leaves again.

I just ignore her and eat my burger.


The next day

It was fall now, so cam and I decided to take Logan apple picking! She's never been.

We pull up to the apple picking place and logan runs up to the pumpkins.

"Later princess. Right now we're gonna get apples!" cam says, picking her up and putting her on his hip.

"Yay!" she exclaims. I smile as Cam kisses her cheek, and puts her back down.

"Okay, c'mon babygirl, lets go get some apples!" i exclaim, grabbing her hand as she leads me towards the trees.

I just laugh as Cam comes up from behind her. He picks her up and puts her on his shoulders. She giggles from excitement.

Our basket was almost full, when logan grabs a rotten one.

"Not that one." cam says, throwing it over his shoulder, hitting me with the rotten apple.

"Owwww" i say half-sarcastically.

"Oh sorry" he laughs. I roll my eyes before picking an apple off the ground and chucking it at him.

"Oh really?" he smirks, throwing another apple at me.

This turns into a full apple war! Logan just watched, occasionally throwing an apple at one of us, giggling the whole time.

We get rude stares from strangers but just laughed at them.

I hit cam really hard in the shoulder.

"Ow! Okay you win. Im done" he laughs.

"Wimp!" i exclaim, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" he says walking up to me.

"Loser" i joke.

"Totally" he agrees, before pressing his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss, as i wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww" Logan exclaims.

"Just you wait..." i start, but Cam cuts me off.

"No!" he yells.

"One day..."

"No. Nev-er. She's gonna stay my babygirl forever" he states.

"You keep telling yourself that." i say.

"I will." he states. I laugh and quickly kiss him again before grabbing Logan's hand.

"Can you get the basket? Its too heavy" i say with puppy dog eyes.

''Sure" he chuckles slightly, grabbing the basket.

Later that night

|Cameron's point of view|

I told all the guys to meet in nashs room.

"Okay guys. I think it's time" i tell them.

Oooh time for what???

Q: Favorite style of dance

A: thts a hard one...lyrical probably.

Im so happy our lyrical routine is to titanium and i looooove tht song.

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