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|Amber's point of view|

Just like everyday so far, i wake up around four and run to the bathroom to throw up. Cam comes in and hold my hair back, and then we go back to bed. Its pretty much a routine now. I have a doctors appointment next week.

Today, we decided that we are going to tell everyone at work. We already told my dad, he was surprised at first, but he eventually accepted it.

"Ready to go?" cam asks, grabbing my hand.

We get to work and head straight to our dressing room.  I suddenly get the urge to throw up again, so i run to the bathroom and puke.

"Is mommy sick?" Logan asks.

"No, its just the baby" cam clarifies.

"The baby's sick?" she asked, confuzzled.

"No sweetie, the baby is perfectly fine" he chuckles.

I throw my hair in a messy bun and start working on my makeup. There is someone who's supposed to do it for me, but i prefer to do it myself. Its just easier.

After im done, i take my hair out, and curl it. I much rather have my hair straight, but 'Vanessa'  curls her hair.

I grab my long purple dress that i need to wear for the 'the last kiss' scene and we begin filming the scene.

F: what are these?!

V: they're your grades silly

F: really cause i asked for straight A's these appear to be F's.


V: and whats going to happen if i don't?

F: use your imagination

V: well i have a play to star in but goodluck with your grades. Im sure your parents will be really proud

F: anyone can be a jerk. But Vanessa makes it an art form.

V:~song~ i close my eyes, i surrender to you, i lay awake these sleepless night

F: You betrayed me! You betrayed me!

V: (get of the stage.)

V: all i wanted was one last kiss

F: you got it baby. Kiss this booty.

After that, i can't help but burst out in laughter. I seriously end up on the ground laughing.

"Okay. Sorry. Can we try that again?" i ask and Bob nods.

We redo the scene and it comes out perfect. Cam and i decide that its time to tell everyone.

"Hey Bob, can you get everyone over here. Its important" cam asks.

"Yea sure" he smiles. Everyone gathers around us, and cam smiles over at me.

"Okay guys. Um the other day, when i wasn't here, it turns out i wasn't actually sick.." i start, and everyone looks so confused.

''guys..Amber's pregnant" cam says and everyone smiles, some say 'congratulations' or something and that, and attack me in huge group hug. I can't help but laugh.

After everyone walks away, Marcus comes up to me.

"Congratulations Amber" he smiles, hugging me.

"Thanks" i say, cheerfully.

"Dude, your gonna be a dad" he says to cam and i laugh.

"Dude i already am a dad" he states, smiling.

"Right..." i roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Does Logan know about the baby?" he asks.

"Yea. She's really excited to be a big sister. She's even been talking to my stomach lately. Its really cute" i smile.

"Marcus, cam, scene" Bob calls out.

"Got to go. Love you" cam says kissing my cheek.

"Love you too" i smile as he walks towards the set.

Later on, we invite all the guys and their girlfriends over to tell them, and of course McKenna is probably bringing Jackson.

Around 5, they all burst through the door.

"Hey guys" i say, half nervously, half excited.

"Heyy what's up" Matt and Brent say.

"Jackson guess what?" Logan says to him.


"Im going to be a big sister!" she exclaims. All the guys look at me with wide eyes.

"Guys, im pregnant" I say. They all start screaming stuff like 'congrats' and i laugh as i get tackled to the ground.

"Guys!" i exclaim, laughing.

Im so happy everyone is taking this so well.

As they all get up, my phone starts ringing. I leave the room to answer it.


"Hello, Amber Greene?"


"This is Bristol Aggie high school." why is my old high school calling, i haven't been there since i got pregnant with Logan.


"We'd like you to come in. Mr. Sousa would like to talk to you. How does next Wednesday at 12:30 sound?" the lady asks.

"Um yea sure, i guess" i say, still confuzzled.

"Thank you. Have a good day Ms. Greene" the lady says.

"Uh, yea you too?" i say But it comes out more like a question, before hanging up.

"What was that about?" cam asks, as he comes into the kitchen.

"I don't really know. That was my old school, they said they wanted me to come in next Wednesday. Will you come with me, please?" i ask. I really don't wanna go alone.

"Yea sure" he says and i side hug him.


I wonder what they want?

Q: do u like football

A: i love going to fb games but i dont like watching it on tv. I dont really like watching any sport on tv. Idrk y but i only like them if im actually at the game.

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