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|Amber's point of view|

*Time lapse*

I was now 7 months pregnant, and cam and I have decided on names.

Everyone keeps begging us to tell them but we are keeping it a secret until the twins are born.

"We should go baby shopping today." i suggest, referring to the fact that we have barely started their rooms.

"Okay sure" cam smiles.

We pile into his car and begin to make our way to the mall.

The car ride was mostly silent besides the comforting sound the soft rain outside, hitting the car.

When we arrive at the mall, i unbuckle Logan from her car seat and we make our way to the food court because...im pregnant, therefore im hungry.

I order myself Chinese food from Thai Kitchen and get Logan chicken nuggets from burger king.

We eat, and find our way to babies r us.

"Logan, if you want you can pick out a toy for them" cam suggests.

"I can?!" she excitedly exclaims.

"Of course" i smile and grab her hand.

"Let's go mommy. I wanna find toys for the babies" she exclaims pulling my arm towards the toy section.

"I guess im going to look at toys" i smile.

"Well then I'll look for stuff we actually need" cam laughs and kisses me quickly.

"Mommy let's goooooo" Logan says, impatiently.

"Ok im coming" i laughing and let her lead me to the toy section.

After about a half hour of looking, she finally decides on two toys. A blue stuffed dog, and a pink stuffed bear that plays music softly.

"These are perfect babygirl. Thank you" i smile and kiss her cheek.

"Your welcome mommy" she giggles.

"So, what kind of toys do you want for your birthday?" i ask, since she turns 4 soon.


She begins explaining a list of things she wants as we search for cam.

After a few minutes, i decide to call him.

"Hey" he answers the phone.

"Hey, where are you? Logan picked out toys for the twins." i say.

"Umm, right now, im looking at cribs" he states.

"Okay. Be there in a second"

"Okay. Love you" he says.

"I love you too" i smile even though he can't see me.

I find him quickly, and Logan runs up to him right away.

"Daddy!" she yells. He picks her up and places her on his hip.

"Hey princess" he smiles. "Did you pick out toys for the babies?"

"Yea!" she exclaims as i show him the stuffed animals.

"Perfect. You're gonna be such a good big sister" he kisses her cheek causing her to giggle.

"When are the babies gonna be here?!" she asks excitedly.

I laugh and reply.

"Not for a few more months babygirl"

She begins to pout and talk about how much she wants them to be here already.

"They'll be here before you know it" cam answers and kisses her cheek.

We pay for our things and make our back to the car.

I was staring out the window as rain hit against it, with music playing softly in the background.

love robbery comes on, and cam, knowing it's currently my favorite song, turns it up.

I smile over at him.

Suddenly, a drunk driver swerves, smashing into my door, as our car begins spinning.

The last thing i see is cam grabbing my arm before my world goes black.

Don't hate meeee

Q: favorite actress

A: shailene woodley, easily

Pregnant With A DallasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon