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|Cam's point of view |

I grabbed Amber's arm as the truck smashed right into the passenger seat door, where she was sitting. The car began spinning and Logan began crying. Shards of glass flying everywhere.

We eventually stop spinning and i quickly get Logan out of the car.

I pick her up and hold her close to me, in a failed attempt to stop her crying.

I re-open what's left of the car door to see if Amber is alright and see her lifeless body laying across the seats, shards of glass sticking out from her skin.

I immediately call an ambulance and rush to her side.

"C'mon baby. Please wake up" i whisper as tears brim my eyes.

The ambulance comes and Logan and I get in the back with her. I wish i didn't have to bring Logan in the back of an ambulance, but im not just gonna leave her on the highway.

"Is mommy and the babies gonna be okay?" Logan asks, on the verge of tears.

I don't know how to respond to that, so i just pull her onto my lap as she begins crying again.

"I hope so babygirl" i say quietly.

We arrive at the hospital and they take Amber to the ER.

I sit in the waiting room with Logan. Luckily her and I got out with only a few cuts and bruises but overall we're fine.

She quickly fell asleep in my arms.

The doctor comes out and i quickly run up to him.

"Is she Okay?" i ask frantically.

"Yea She's fine. She has a broken ribcage but thats the worst damage done to her. She's asleep right now but should wake up soon enough" i let out a sigh of relief.

"However" he says and i become worried again "im sorry to tell you this but, the babies didn't survive the crash"

I feel my heart stop beating in my chest, my breath getting caught in my throat. i can't breathe, i can't think, i can't speak, i can't move...

|Amber's point of view|

I wake up to the familiar white walls. I was in the hospital.

At first i was confused, but soon it all comes back to me. Baby shopping, the drunk driver, the car crash..

I look around and see cam in a chair by my bed, sobbing into his hands.

"Cam.." i say quietly. He looks up and his tear filled eyes meet mine.

"Cam are they okay?" i ask quietly, referring to the twins.

He looks down at his hands but stays silent.

"C-cam.." i repeat on the verge of tears "are they okay?"

He slowly shakes his head no as tears begin to stream down my face.

"Please tell me your lying cam. Please" i cry. He shakes his head again.

"No. No. No. This can't be happening" i say between sobs.

I bring my knees to my chest and cam comes and sits next to me, wrapping me in his arms.

"No, no, no" i cry repeatedly into his chest.

"This has to be a dream...a nightmare. This can't be real" i sob.

"I wish it was a nightmare.." cam says quietly.

"Th-they're gone?" i ask, still trying to grasp my mind around it.

He slowly nods.

Within seconds, Matt and Carter come in.

"Are you guys alright?" they ask. "Shawn said you guys got in a car crash"

I begin to sob even harder.

"Is everyone okay?" Matt asks. I simply shake my head because i can't seem to form words at this point.

My babies are dead, my babies are dead, my babies are dead i think repeatedly.

"What happened?"

"Its..Its the twins. Th-they didn't survive the car crash" cam explains, sadly.

"What?!" they say simultaneously, and i cry even harder.

My babies are dead, my babies are dead, my babies are dead, my babies are dead

Plz don't hate meeee

Q: first song you ever heard by jack and jack and shawn mendes

A: by jack and jack the first song i heard was 'California' and i fell in love with it right away

By Shawn Mendes the first song i heard was 'something big', and i actually didn't really like it's at first, but the more i heard it the more i loved it

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