Together Forever! (OUQ)

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*Amir finally got his key into the front door, failing multiple times before as he was extremely nervous. They had just arrived at their apartment after the wedding, and he had full force butterflies in his stomach.*

Yusra: *in an amused voice* do you need some help?

Amir: Um no thank you. *he hurriedly opened the door, and held it open for her.*

Yusra: thank you. *she was about to step inside, when Amir put a hand out to stop her.*

Amir: Wait.

Yusra: What?

*Amir didn't answer, looking at her for a few seconds before stepping forward, and sweeping her off her feet and into his arms.*

Yusra: *giggling* oh my God! *she clung to him tightly, probably tighter than was needed but Amir didn't mind. Once they had stepped inside, he gave her a kiss on her cheek before placing her gently on the ground.*

*After Amir closed and locked the door behind them, they stood awkwardly in the middle of the very crowded living room. The day before, Houssam, Mustafa, Rashid, Amir, and Hisham had moved Yusra's things into the apartment so she would just be able to go home with him straight after the wedding, and they naturally hadn't had a chance to unpack yet.*

Amir: So, um I guess we should go change.

Yusra: *blushing* yeah okay.

Amir: You can go on ahead into the bedroom, I'll just wait until you're done and then I'll change.

Yusra: *blushing even more* Well, I mean I wouldn't mind if we both went in there. After all we are married now. *she trails off, nervously fiddling with her scarf*

Amir: *his heart pounding uncontrollably* Are you sure?

Yusra: *nodding* Yeah.

Amir: I'll change in the bathroom.

Yusra: *smiling* if it would make you feel more comfortable.

Amir: Maybe just this first time.

*They make their way into the bedroom, and after awkwardly moving around getting their things ready, Amir is about to step into the bathroom, when Yusra clears her throat.*

Yusra: Um, Amir?

Amir: Yes?

Yusra: *a bit embarrassedly* can you unzip my dress?

Amir: *putting his pajamas down* uh yeah, of course. *he quickly unzipped the dress, gathered up his clothes and hurried into the bathroom before he turned bright red. It took him all of five minutes to change and brush his teeth, but he stayed in there for another ten minutes, not wanting to accidentally walk in on her in a state of undress. He didn't want to make things more awkward than they would already be.*

*A few minutes later he cracked the bathroom door open, and peeked out. When he didn't see her, he stepped out, hung up his suit, and went out into the living room. When he finally found her in the kitchen, he just stood in the doorway staring at her. She hadn't noticed that he was there yet, she was making a pot of coffee while humming under her breath, and it was probably a good thing considering he was utterly and completely entranced by her. It was the first time he was seeing her uncovered, and while he knew that he was gawking, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.*

Yusra: *reaching next to the stove for a coffee filter and realizing he was there* oh! You scared me!

*He was so stunned, that he wasn't even able to respond. Her brown hair was tumbling down her back, and was held back from her face by a white lace headband. She was wearing a white nightgown that reached just above her knees, and as he realized it was strapless, he felt his face turn red. She had two earrings in each ear, and she had redone her eye makeup.*

Yusra: *self-consciously* Amir? Are you okay?

Amir: *shaking his head* uh yeah. I'm sorry I just *he pauses, running a hand through his hair* you're gorgeous MashaAllah.

Yusra: *blushing* thank you.

*he took a step forward until he was standing right in front of her, and after a moment of hesitation, he pushed back a lock of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. They had kissed only that one time in the library, and while it had been just a tad but awkward, it also was one of the best moments of Amir's entire life, and he actually couldn't wait to kiss her again.*

Amir: So, I have a present for you.

Yusra: *in surprise* really? For what?

Amir: For our wedding of course!

Yusra: Aw, you got me a wedding present?! You didn't have to! This beautiful wedding was more than enough!

Amir: *shaking his head* it isn't that huge. I actually have had this to give to you for a very long time. Stay here!

*As Amir hurried out of the room, Yusra turned back to the coffee pot, aware of the deep blush on her face. She knew that he had been standing there watching her, she could feel his searing gaze on her. But she hadn't wanted to embarrass the both of them by looking at him, and well, she was kind of enjoying the attention.*

Amir: *hurrying back into the room and carrying a large flat package* here you go!

Yusra: *putting down the coffee pot and taking it from him.* Ahh I'm so excited! *she eagerly began to tore off the wrapping paper, gasping as she realized what it was* Amir! Habibi this is beautiful!

Amir: *a please expression on his face* do you really like it!?

Yusra: *looking up at him with her eyes filled with tears* it's amazing! Did you make this?

Amir: Yes.

*Yusra glances back down at the extremely beautiful painting of an orchid. It was blue and purple, and was absolutely stunning. It was a close up of one of the buds in bloom, and it was so realistic that she could practically smell its fragrance.*

Amir: Do you really like it?

Yusra: More than I could even tell you.

Amir: I started painting this for you before we got engaged. It was going to be a present for the Fatiha. Even when we broke up, I had to continue painting it. Even though I had lost almost all of my hope, it represented to me the fact that I wanted us to be together.

Yusra: And we will In Sha Allah. Together forever.

*Yusra put the painting down on the table, and took a step forward hesitantly, before putting her arms around his neck, and giving him a tight hug. Once she tried to pull away, he wouldn't let her, and instead captured her face in his hands before pressing his lips against hers.*

*They didn't leave each other's arms for the rest of the night.*

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