Ladies Night (The Kids POV Minus Kareemo's)

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Salaam everyone! So here is the kids point of view minus Kareemo's! I decided Kareem needed his own separate Skript so In Sha Allah there will be a fourth one ^_^ Enjoy, and comment!


*The children are sitting in the family room. Dawud is playing on his GameBoy, Layla and Ayyoubi are coloring together, and Kareemo and Hamoudi are playing with Legos and watching Aladdin.*

Layla: This is fun! I like coloring with Ayyoubi!

Ayyoubi: Hmmmm where did I putted the orange crayon? Ooh, Layla's picture is pretty!

Ayyoubi: Your picture is pretty Layla!

Layla: Thank you Ayyoubi, so nice!

Layla: Thank you Ayyoubi, so nice!

Dawud: Go...go...go....STUPID BOWSER!

Hamoudi: Nah didn't never had some friends like me!

Layla: Dawudi, did Mama leave yet?

Hamoudi: Gasp! Mama's gonna go!?

Dawud: What did she say? Huh? Oh no! I lost another life!

Layla: Dawudi!

Dawud: What?

Hamoudi: Never had a friend....never had a friend alike meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Layla: All Dawudi does is play that game! He doesn't listen to me at all!

Layla: Did Mama leave yet!?

Dawud: *tapping furiously on his GameBoy* I dunno.

Hamoudi: Mama's leaving!?

Layla: None of my brothers listen! Good thing I have Ayyoubi!

Ayyoubi: Uh oh! What did Lulu say!?

Layla: Yes. She's going with Amtu Hana and Khaltu Yusra.

Kareem: Na uh!

Ayyoubi: Oh no! Kareemo is mad! He is gonna do all of the yelling! I hope, I hope Lulu doesn't fight with him!

Layla: Ya huh!


Ayyoubi: Oh no! All the fighting!

Hamoudi: A whole new worllllllllllld! A dazzler place I only knewwwww

Dawud: Oh my God why won't Mama and Baba let me stay at home alone!? These children are so loud!

Layla: Yes she is!

Kareemo: NO SHE ISN'T!

Ayyoubi: Hey! He can't yell at Lulu! I better tell him that Mama is going!

Ayyoubi: Yes, yes she is Kareemo!

Kareem: *standing up* No she's not!

Layla: Hey! He can't yell at Ayyoubi!

Layla: Yes she is!

Kareem: NOOOOOOOOOO! A stop, a stop saying stuffs thats not the truths! *he shakes his head* I'm the occifer, and I'll protest you into all of the jails!

Ayyoubi: Gasp! Kareemo would putted us in jail?!

Layla: He's not a real policeman!

Hamoudi: And now from all the way from up here, I have all the crystals clear...

Dawud: Oh Gosh I better just get this over with so he'll go bother someone else!

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now