His Adorable Crooked Grin (TUQ)

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So for this Skript, we need to go back in time, to the day where Hana visited Houssam at the stadium after his basketball game....This is the LONGEST Skript I have ever written! It actually is like two pages short of being as long as an Unlocked Hearts chapter!

*Hana and the rest of the staff at The New York Times, are sitting in the conference room. It is eight in the morning, coffee cups, bagels, and donuts surround them, and Carol is assigning the topics for all of them for that week.*

Carol: We need to do a piece on that new library that opened in Queens. Who wants to do it?

Mark: I'm on it boss!

Carol: *jotting Mark's name down in her notebook* Awesome! Who wants to do a review of the Johnny Depp movie that just came out?

Katie: I will! *swooning slightly* I LOVE Johnny Depp!

Carol: Perfect. Also, Houssam Shaykh of the Knicks just donated over a billion dollars to the Syrian refugees, I want to get an interview with him.

*Suddenly Hana's mouth went dry, her mind went blank, and her heart started beating in overdrive.*

Mark: *letting out a low whistle* wow, over a billion dollars!? That is insane!

Carol: *nodding* I know. He tried to keep it anonymous, but someone leaked it to the press. *Hana's heart starts beating even faster.* So who wants to do this interview with him?

Trent: He doesn't do interviews beyond the monthly ones his manager schedules.

Carol: Dang it! I forgot about that. I would really love to get a statement from him about it.

*Hana raised her hand timidly.*

Hana: I, uh, might be able to get that interview.

*everyone stares at her*

Mark: How?

Hana: I kind of know him.

*another silence*

Katie: What do you mean you know him?

Mark: Yeah! How well?!

Hana: *blushing* um, well, let's just say that I was almost, sort of, kind of, engaged to him...

*the silence was deafening, and as everyone at the table stared at her with their mouths hanging open, Hana felt her face flush even more.*

Carol: Well, yeah. That would classify you guys as pretty close. *she grins at Hana* so you think you can get in?

Hana: Probably.

Carol: Alright then!

*Hana stood in front of the doors of the stadium, feeling so nervous that she was positive she was going to throw up. She had been standing outside for the past ten minutes trying to muster up enough courage to go in, and after taking another deep breath, she opened the door, and stepped inside. After wandering aimlessly around for a few minutes, she eventually came upon a security guard sitting behind a desk, and thumbing through a magazine.*

Hana: Um, excuse me?

*security guard ignores her*

Hana: Uh, hello?

*still ignores her*

Hana: *waving her hand in front of the guy's face* HELLO!?

*the man looks up with a start, and pulls out earphones.*

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