Bismillah! (FQ)

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*Amir, Yusra, Kareem and Ayyoub are sitting on a giant sheet in the family room. A whole bunch of craft supplies are spread out around them, and The Incredibles is playing on the television. It is their weekly 'Baba and his boys' art day, and today, Yusra decided to join them.*

Yusra: *who is coloring in a Disney coloring book* Ayyoubi habibi what are you making?

Ayyoub: *who is gluing random things together* I can't tell you Mama! It's a surprise!

Yusra: *in amusement* Oh okay. Sorry habibi. Baba, what are you making?

Amir: *who is covered in glitter after Kareem accidently tripped and knocked half of the container on him. It's even in his hair.*  I can't tell you Mama! It's a surprise!

Yusra: *rolling her eyes at him* Oh I'm so sorry! Kareemo, are you making a surprise too, or can you tell me?

Kareem: I am making the bestest thing of all!

Yusra: What are you making habibi?

Kareem: I am making a robot!

Yusra: *looking at the pile of cotton balls, beads and popsicle sticks that are sloppily glued together and doesn't look anything like a robot* Wow Kareemo! It looks great!

Kareem: *beaming* thank you Mama!

Yusra: You're welcome baby.

Amir: Love, did you talk to Ilham recently?

Yusra: I talked to her this morning.

Amir: Any news?

Yusra: She said she's been having false contractions on and off the past few days, so she feels like its going to happen tomorrow In Sha Allah.

Amir: In Sha Allah. I'm surprised she has lasted this long! She's never gone a full nine months with any of the babies!

Yusra: *nodding* I know. I think the longest was Layla and she was eight and a half months.

Ayyoub: Mama! Mama I have to ask you something!

Yusra: Yes baby?

Ayyoub: How come, how come Khaltu Ilham's tummy is so big? *he raises his hands in the air* it didn't used to be big!

Yusra: *laughing* because she has a baby in there!

Ayyoub: *with a gasp* did she eated the baby?!

Yusra: Of course not!

Ayyoub: *in confusion* then how did it get in there?

*Yusra and Amir exchange a glance, but before they could say anything, Kareem comes to the rescue*

Kareem: *rolling his eyes* Ayyoubi! Everyone in the whole world knows!

Amir: *in a warning voice* Kareem.

Kareem: Sorry Baba.

Ayyoub: But I am part of the world and I don't know! How did she get the baby in her tummy!?

Kareem: Amu Hisham put the baby in there!

Yusra: *in alarm* Kareem how do you know that?!

Kareem: *shrugging* I just knowed!

Yusra: But how?!

Kareem: Because I knowed that everyone has a Mama and a Baba! So if the Mama has the baby in her tummy, the Baba has to put the baby there. *he gives a giggle* Mama, you had two babies! You hafta know this!

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