Because He is My Brother (FQ)

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To my Sawsy who I am very proud of <3

And she knows why. SusieQ_1994

*It is a late Saturday afternoon at the Malik household. Yusra is preparing dinner in the kitchen, Amir is taking a nap on the couch, exhausted from his long week of work, and Ayyoubi and Kareemo are playing on the floor in front of their father, watching a movie. Soon Yusra goes down the hallway, and once he hears the bathroom door close, Kareem sneaks a peek at his father to make sure he is asleep, before he leans towards his brother.*

Kareem: *whispering* Psst! Psst Ayyoubi!

*Ayyoub looks up from where he is playing with his cars*

Ayyoub: What Kareemo?

Kareem: What are you doing?

Ayyoub: *eyeing his brother suspiciously* I am playing Kareemo.

Kareem: That's nice Ayyoubi. What are you playing?

Ayyoubi: *glaring at his brother as he is well aware of how Kareem gets* A game.

Kareem: Good, a game is fun! *he scoots forward so he is closer to Ayyoub and lowers his voice slightly* Hey Ayyoubi?

Ayyoubi: Whhhhhaaaaaaaaat Kareemo? What do you want me to do?

Kareemo: *in an offended voice* I didn't, I didn't say I want you to do sumthin! *he is quiet for a second, before he grins* Do you want to go get some cookies with me?

*Ayyoubi drops his toys, and clasps his hands over his cheeks in disbelief*

Ayyoubi: Kareem! Mama said no cookies until after dinner! If Mama says no, you hafta listen!

Kareem: *a stubborn look on his face* Mama said, Mama said no cookies before dinner! She didn't, didn't say no cookies after lunch! *he stands up* I will take just one!

Ayyoubi: *shaking his head* No Kareemo!

Kareem: *rolling his eyes* Ayyoubi! How come you always hafta tell me no! Always no no no Kareemo! Never yes yes yes Kareemo!

Ayyoubi: Kareemo, you have to be a good boy and I won't say no!

Kareem: I am going!

*Ayyoub jumps up, and tries to block his brother from leaving the room*

Ayyoub: No! I will stop you!

Kareem: You can't stop me Ayyoubi!

Ayyoub: Yes I can!

Kareem: No! I am bigger than you!

Ayyoub: So! I will say Bismillah and try!

Kareem: Stop Ayyoubi! I just want one cookie!

Ayyoubi: But I hafta stop you! You will be in trouble with Baba!

Kareem: No I won't cause you don't hafta tell him! *he pushes past Ayyoubi and heads towards the kitchen, and Ayyoubi looks after his brother, his little face crumpled in agony. A few seconds later, Kareem returns with a cookie in his hand, and he is just about to take a bite, when Amir wakes up, and soon he pushes himself up into a seating position on the couch. Immediately Kareem stuffs the cookie under his shrit.*

Amir: *smiling at his sons* Hello my boys.

Kareem/Ayyoubi: *nervously* Hi Baba.

Amir: What are you up to?

*Both boys look at him guilty and even though poor Ayyoubi didn't do anything, he probably feels the worst. When neither of them answer him, Amir gets up, and crouches down next to them at eye level*

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