Faith and Hope

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This Skript was suggested by Minnie_xX- ...

And now I'm gonna go to bed because I'm crying lol



*We open on a kitchen. It's painted and decorated in bright cheerful colors. Light blue walls, white tiled floor with a yellow rug that says 'Wash Me!' in front of the sink, an assortment of bright appliances decorate the counters, a bouquet of red peonies sit in a glass vase in the middle of the oak table, and yellow curtains with blue daisies are flowing from the open window.

*A young woman is standing at the sink washing dishes. She has long, beautiful hair that is pushed back from her face with a black headband, and her red sundress is hanging loosely around her thin frame, the sleeves of her white sweater are pushed up to her elbows. Her arms have bruises of different shades all up them, and as she hears the front door open, she quickly pulls the sleeves down to cover her arms, before she turns off the sink, dries her hands on the yellow towel, and turns towards the doorway*

*Her smile brightens as a little boy runs into the room. He has tousled brown hair, is wearing black pants, a green shirt, and is dragging a Superman backpack on the ground behind him. As his gaze lands on the young woman, his bright blue eyes light up with happiness*

Little Boy: Mama! Mama I'm back!

Young Woman: *opening her arms and bending slightly* Oh habibi Sami!

*At his mother's words, he drops the bag onto the floor, and runs into her embrace, throwing his arms around her neck tightly. She staggers a bit under his weight, though he is a bit small for his age, but after a moment she finds her footing, and stands up, and as she begins to walk towards the living room, she plants a kiss on his cheek. He gives her a huge smile in return, and rests his head on her shoulder, holding her even tighter. Upon coming into the foyer, a man appears, closing the door of the front closet*

Khalid: Salaam habibti Amal. How are you feeling?

Amal: *giving him a tired smile* I am well Alhamdulillah.

Khalid: How did today go?

Amal: *she glances at Sami, who is staring up at her curiously, and she smiles again* Alhamdulillah, as well as it could.

Khalid: *a worry line forming in his forehead as he takes in his wife's pale skin, the dark bags under her eyes, and the overall exhausted look about her.* Alhamdulillah *he leans in so that he can kiss her, and Sami claps his hands over his eyes, giving a giggle. Both Amal and Khalid laugh, and they head into the living room, where Amal settles him into her lap, holding him close to her*

Amal: So tell me ya Semsem how was your first day of school!?

Sami: *sitting up excitedly* It was nice Mama!

Amal: *smoothing his hair back* Oh? What did you do first?

Sami: First when we got there, the teacher showed us all of the places!

Amal: Oh how nice! What places did they have?

Sami: They had a playroom, and a classroom, and a bathroom *here he gives a giggle* and a nap room!

*Amal laughs her tinkling laugh*

Amal: And did you take a nap habibi?

Sami: No Mama! I'm a big man, I don't need a nap! *almost as if on cue, he gives a large yawn, and she covers his mouth with her hand in amusement*

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