Say My Name! (UH)

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This is absoultely the longest Skript I have ever written! Once I started, I could not stop! I actually had to stop myself otherwise it would have been a book!

*Rana enters Rami's office, walks over to his desk where he is typing at his computer, and drops a kiss on his head*

Rana: Alright habibi, I am leaving for the dentist now.

Rami: *not paying attention as he types something* okay babydoll.

Rana: Yahya is still napping, but he should wake up soon. He is going to start crying for milk, but don't give him any, give him some of that cereal in the pantry and some applesauce or yogurt, depending on what he will take. I'll see you in a few hours, I am going to stop by the grocery store after I am done. *she kisses him again* salaam!

Rami: *jumping up from his desk* woah! Wait! Where are you going!?

Rana: I just told you! I have a dentist appointment!

Rami: No! No you can't go!

Rana: *in confusion* Why not?!

Rami: I can't stay with Yahya!

Rana: What do you mean!?

Rami: I have a meeting at HudCo!

Rana: When!?

Rami: *looking down at his watch*!

Rana: But I have to go to the dentist!

Rami: But I have my meeting!

Rana: Can't you postpone it!?

Rami: *shaking his head* no, this is a huge sale for us. This meeting has been on the agenda for six months, Hud needs me there! Can't you reschedule your appointment?

Rana: No, it is the only opening they have for another two months, and I really need to get my cavity filled before I start work!

Rami: *running a hand through his hair* well this isn't good....

Rana: Uh yeah! What are we going to do!?

Rami: Okay! Okay don't panic! I'll call my mom!

Rana: Okay, you do that cause my mom is teaching!

*Rami pulls out his phone, and quickly dials a number*

Rami: Mama!? Salaam! Listen, Rana and I need a favor, can you watch Yahya right now!? I know it is short notice but it is an emergenc....oh....yeah okay. No problem. I love you too. Salaam. *he hangs up*

Rana: What's wrong?

Rami: She's visiting my Aunt all day today, but she said my dad could watch him if I really needed it.

Rana: *making a face* Let's leave our dads as the absolute last resorts.

Rami: Yeah, like if the moon is crashed into the Earth!

Rana: Okay, what about Jen?!

Rami: Yes! She is just five minutes away!

Rana: YES! *she pulls out her phone, nervously jigging her leg* Jen!! Oh habibti salaam! Sorry to call on such short notice, but can you watch Yahyoo!? Oh okay. No problem. Yeah, sure. Hope you feel better. Salaam!

Rami: Ugh! What?

Rana: She is at the doctor and has to go get her blood drawn.

Rami: Ya Allah! What about Sami and Dalia?!

Rana: Alright, I'll call! *she dials* Sami!? Salaam habibi! Yeah, sure I can call you back later. Salaam. *she hangs up the phone* well, I didn't even get a chance to ask him. He said he was really busy and could he talk to me later tonight. *she gives a frustrated sigh, and looks at her watch* my appointment is in half an hour.

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now