I Really Need Some Chocolate! (OUQ)

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*Ilham is laying across a lounge chair on her and Hisham's private balcony, letting the sun soak into her skin. She takes a deep content sigh, lifts her glass of raspberry iced tea up, and takes a long drink. Her and Hisham are a week into their honeymoon, and she is just absolutely loving it. She looks up as the sliding glass door opens, smiling as Hisham appears wearing swimming trunks. Ahh she just loves him!*

Hisham: *giving her a dimpled smile* hello hayati!

Ilham: Hello habibi! Did you have a nice swim?

Hisham: *nodding* oh it was amazing! I have everything planned out for you to come with me tonight. The manager is arranging it right now for the staff to put cloths over the windows, and disable the locks and put an out of order sign so that we will have the indoor pool all to ourselves, and you can swim all you want!

Ilham: *squealing* yay! Alhamdulillah! *she pulls his face down, and gives him a loud kiss* Thank you habibi!

Hisham: *grinning and blushing slightly* you're welcome hayati. It's my pleasure!

Ilham: Ahh I am so excited! I haven't gone swimming in SO long!

Hisham: Don't you swim a lot at Yusra's?

Ilham: We used to before she got sick, now she doesn't have the energy and I am certainly not going to ask her if I can use her pool while she watches from her window while she is stuck in bed!

Hisham: *laughing* that is true!

Ilham: I am so glad that we are doing it now though.

Hisham: *leaning back in the lounge chair next to hers* why?

Ilham: Because I am starting to get all bloaty and crampy, and well you know what that means.

Hisham: Uh, no?

Ilham: *looking at him alarm* oh dear God. Oh ya Allah! Please tell me you know what a period is!? *she closes her eyes* oh please please please please!

Hisham: *in amusement* Ilham, I have a sister, of course I know what a period is.

Ilham: *in relief* oh phew! Alhamdulillah! I was so worried I would have to give my husband 'the talk'! How awkward would that have been!?

Hisham: Uh, Ilham? I think it would be kind of too late for the talk considering we have already been together.

Ilham: Well, that is true! *she takes another sip from her tea* okay, but if you know about periods, why did you say you didn't know what I meant?

Hisham: Well because I didn't. I may know what it is, and why you get them, but that doesn't mean I know everything about them.

Ilham: Oh okay. Well, basically a bit before, and during, and after sometimes we get something called PMS and we get all bloaty and crampy and hungry, OH we get so hungry! And we crave different foods and we lose energy and we get so so tired, and sometimes a little bit emotional.

Hisham: Oh that sounds horrible!

Ilham: *nodding* it is horrible!

Hisham: Well, can I bring you anything now?

Ilham: Chocolate.

Hisham: *laughing* haha you're so cute.

Ilham: Hisham, I'm not joking. Get me some chocolate.

Hisham: Well, if you are having cramps, maybe you should eat something with potassium? Maybe some bananas?

Ilham: *blinking* if they are covered in chocolate.

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