Once Upon Fate (TUQ)

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*Houssam pulled out his phone, went to his contacts, and pressed call, nervously tapping his foot against the coffee table.*

Person: Hello?

Houssam: Hey, Salaam Ayah, it's Houssam.

Ayah: Oh Houssam! Ahlan!

Houssam: How are you doing?

Ayah: Alhamdulillah I am doing well! What about you?

Houssam: I'm good. Is this a good time to talk or are you busy?

Ayah: Nope it's a good time.

Houssam: Is Hana around you?

Ayah: Yeah, she just got home, she's changing. Do you want me to get her?

Houssam: *shouting* NO!

Ayah: *startled* why not!?

Houssam: Because I actually need to talk to you about her.

Ayah: Oooh okay! I thought it was weird you were calling me!

Houssam: Did she hear you saying my name?

Ayah: No, she's in her room. Let me go into my room, hold on. *Houssam heard footsteps and a door closing, before Ayah's voice returned* okay, I'm here. What's up?

Houssam: Well, In Sha Allah at the championship game, I plan on proposing to Hana.

*Houssam actually had to take the phone away from his ear from how loud and piercing Ayah's shriek was*


Houssam: Ayah! You're going to burst my eardrum!

Ayah: *who is still squealing* I'm sorry! This is just so AHHHHH!

Houssam: Ayah, she is going to hear you!

Ayah: Sorry okay I am... *Houssam hears the sound of a door opening*

Hana: Ayah! Are you okay?! I heard you screaming!

*Houssam's heart starts to beat in overtime at the sound of Hana's voice.*

Ayah: Uh yeah. Sorry. Two of my favorite characters that I ship SO HARD, are going to get married!

Hana: From what show?

Ayah: Uh, you don't know it!

Hana: Maybe I do. What's it called?

Ayah: Um....it's called....uh....ONCE UPON FATE!

Hana: Oh, yeah, I've never heard of it.

Ayah: Yeah, it's sort of a reality television show!

Hana: What is it about?

Ayah: Uhhh, well, um....it's about this guy....who is....uh....he's a novelist, and he falls in love with his childhood sweetheart who is uh....the best woman soccer player in the world!

Hana: Huh. Wow, that sounds interesting. I'll have to look it up.

Ayah: Yeah it's amazing! I think you would just LOVE the main guy character!

Hana: I'll have to check it out sometime. I'm going to go order some Chinese food for dinner, do you want your regular?

Ayah: Sure! *the door closes* okay! I'm back! That was a close call!

Houssam: *in an amused voice* Once Upon Fate? A novelist in love with the best woman soccer play in the world? Very smooth.

Ayah: Hey! It was all I could think about on the spot!

Houssam: *shaking his head in amusement* okay, well back to our conversation. In Sha Allah I am going to ask her to marry me. I am flying out to Santa Barbara on Sunday to talk to her parents.

Ayah: That is great! I am SO happy for both of you!

Houssam: Barak Allahu Feeki! Can you do me a favor though?

Ayah: Sure In Sha Allah!

Houssam: I  need you to get me one of Hana's ring so I can get her ring size.


Houssam: Ayah! My ears!


Houssam: I have never heard you this excited and hyper!

Ayah: Well that's because you have never told me you are going to propose to my best friend!

*Houssam felt his heart swell from happiness at that. He was SO glad that Hana had a new person in her life to call a close friend. After the way she had been treated by Kalthoum, she SO deserved it!*

Houssam: So you think you can get a ring that she wears on her ring finger?

Ayah: No problem! She always takes off her rings when she goes to sleep! I'll just be a ninja and sneak into her room and get one!

Houssam: Awesome! Thank you so much! I'm planning on asking Hana if you two want to go sightseeing with me and Freddy on Saturday, do you think you can give it me then.

Ayah: Sure! Um, so, Freddy is coming?

Houssam: Yeah. Is that okay?

Ayah: Uh, yeah. Of course.

Houssam: Ookay then. Can you do me one more favor?

Ayah: Yup!

Houssam: So I am almost a hundred percent sure that Hana will say yes, but there is like a three percent of doubt in my mind. So, do you think you can 'accidentally' let it slip that I plan to propose? Don't be totally obvious, or tell her about our conversation or anything, but just something to gage her reaction?

Ayah: Of course! I will 'accidentally' blurt out that you had me steal one of her rings!

Houssam: Great!

Ayah: Although, I don't think you need to give her a hint! She will definitely say yes!

Houssam: Well, she also doesn't really like surprises, so even though I am planning to surprise her at the game, at least she will have some idea that I am going to do it.

Ayah: True. But you know how calculating Hana is, she will be going crazy wondering when you are going to do it!

Houssam: Well, our families are going to come out here, so she is going to have a while to go before she will actually get proposed to! You shouldn't tell her until a few days before the game.

Ayah: Got it! You know what you should do?

Houssam: What?

Ayah: You should mess with her after I drop the hint, and like keep on standing up at dinner to get more bread or keep clearing your throat as if you make a big announcement and then just like cough or something!

Houssam: *laughing* that's so mean! But it does sound like something I would do!

Ayah: DO IT!

Houssam: You know she is going to kill both of us for thinking of this!

Ayah: *laughing* she won't kill you! She loves you!

Houssam: *his heart beating in overdrive* well, Alhamdulillah because I love her too!

Ayah: Aww! Just get married already!

Houssam: I'm working on it! Thank you for doing this for me, I really appreciate it.

Ayah: Of course! It is my pleasure!

Houssam: In Sha Allah I'll see you Saturday then!

Ayah: See you then! AsalamuAlaikum!

Houssam: Walaikumasalaam! *he ends the call* one down, one more to go! *he dials another number, before putting his phone to his ear* Amu Abu Hisham? Salaam! It's Houssam. Listen, I'm flying down to Santa Barbara this Sunday, and I need to talk to you...

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