Captured In A Heart (CH)

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jlsorensen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT! FINALLY! YAY LOL!

*Hud pulls his motorcycle into the driveway, pulls off his helmet, attaches it to the handlebars of his bike, and looks up at the house uneasily. He was meeting Jenna for the first time since their engagement party, and he had to admit, he was feeling terribly sad. This was not how he imagined how he would be meeting his fiancée for the first time alone. Granted, his engagement night was not exactly the best either considering there were ten men all with guns melted into the darkness around the house to protect them all in case one of Jamaal's men were around to attack the family.

Also there was the fact that Jenna had not said a single word to him. Not even one. She hadn't even looked at him either, and if he hadn't met her times before when he had come to visit Muhsin, he would have no clue what her voice even sounded like, and he hated that. He hated that with his very soul, considering marriage had always been one of Hudayfah's biggest goals in life, and now it wasn't going to be like how he had always imagined.

Especially because his soon to be wife hated him.*

*He made his way up the front steps, and after standing there for a few seconds, he rang the doorbell, waiting uneasily for someone to answer. Eventually the door opened, and Jenna's mother, Yasmin appeared, beaming largely.

Yasmin: Hudayfah habibi!!! Come in!!

Hudayfah: *trying to give her a genuine smile* Salaam Khaltu Yasmin.

Yasmin: *waving a hand in the air* Oh none of that formality! I am practically your Mother! I can't wait until you and Jen are married and I can give you the biggest hug ever! Come in, come in!

*Hudayfah laughs, and steps into the house, his stomach fluttering nervously at the thought of Jenna suddenly appearing out of nowhere.*

Hudayfah: How is Amu Adam doing?

Yasmin: *in a scolding voice* What did I just tell you Hudayfah! He is going to be your father soon! No formalities! *she doesn't wait for him to answer, and starts to walk towards the kitchen motioning towards him to follow her* So Jen will be down in a minute, you can just head straight to the family room. Can I get you anything to drink or eat?

Hudayfah: *whose stomach started fluttering at the mention of Jenna's name, and he shakes his head because the thought of eating something makes him want to throw up* Oh Barak Allahu Feeki but I'm okay.

Yasmin *dismissively* You'll have a sandwich and some iced tea! Now hurry on to the family room and wait for your *teasing voice* fiancée!

*Hudayfah laughs as Yasmin and Jenna's sister Emma are very similar in regards to their teasing personalities, though he knows that Emma is ten times crazier even though he had only met her that once at their engagement party. He goes down the hallway to the family room, and sinks down onto one of the couches, his whole body tensing every time he hears footsteps. Finally, after a few minutes, Jenna appears.*

*The sight of her takes his breath away, as it usually does, for she was truly stunning. She is wearing a long flowing red dress, a white scarf with red roses on it, and is staring down at her hands. Upon her entrance, Hudayfah stood up, gave her a small smile, though she wasn't looking at him to see it.*

Hudayfah: AsalamuAlaikum Jenna.

Jenna: *in barely a whisper* Walaikumasalaam.

Hudayfah: How are you doing?

Jenna: *even quieter* I'm okay Alhamdulillah. *she hesitates for a second, her eyes flickering briefly over him* How are you?

Hudayfah: I am well Alhamdulillah. *they stand there for a few moments, before he gestures towards the couch* Please, let us sit.

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