Habibi Hud! (UH)

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R_IsForGirlsWhoRock :)

For this Skript, we must go back in time...

*A younger Yasmin and Adam are standing in the middle of the Masjid Eid Carnival. An eight year old Muhsin is holding Yasmin's hand, a five year old Jenna and a four year old Emma are holding each other's hands, and a two year old Maria is fast asleep on Adam's shoulder.

Yasmin: Okay everyone! We are here to have fun, but don't forget the rules! What are the rules....Emma?!

Emma: *who is wearing Capri pants, a butterfly shirt, and little white butterfly sneakers, and has her hair in two messy pigtails* Hey! How come, how come you only askeded me!

Yasmin: *with a scolding look* because you are the only one who doesn't listen!

Emma: *crossing her arms over her chest with a huff* I listen!

Adam: *with a laugh* oh yeah! What was the first rule I said before we even left home?!

Emma: *mumbling* don't take offeded my seal bell until you say so.

Adam: And what did you do before I even stopped the car?

Emma: *shuffling her feet and looking at the floor* I took offeded my seal bell and opended the door.

Adam: *nodding* exactly. So you have to listen, otherwise we are going to go home! Okay?

Emma: *with a deep sigh* fine!

Yasmin: How did your hair get all messy again?! I just fixed it!

Emma: *making circular movements with her hands* I ranned in a circle SO fast!

*Yasmin gives a sigh, and pulls her daughter towards her, quickly fixing her braids, ignoring Emma's loud protests. At first people start to turn around to see what the commotion is, but as they realize who was bellowing, they just turn around, shaking their heads and saying 'It's just Emma!' As Adam pays the entrance fee for the carnival they go inside, Emma practically shouting from happiness. Once inside, they put Maria in her stroller, and Yasmin takes hold of Emma and Jenna, and Adam of Muhsin and Maria, and they go inside, planning on what they are going to do first. Of course Emma wants to do EVERYTHING, and Yasmin doesn't have the energy to keep up with her, so they switch off, and Adam takes the two girls, and Yasmin takes Muhsin and the baby.*

Adam: Alright, what do you want to do?

Emma: *excitedly hopping from one foot to the other* I want to do all of it Baba!

Adam: *looking down at Jenna* what do you want to do habibti Jenna?

Jenna: *looking up at her father shyly* I want to ride the ponies Baba.

Adam: *smiling* sounds good!

Emma: *tugging on Adam's sleeve* OOH BABA! Can we do that! *turning her head around* NO THAT FIRST! *looking another direction* OH THAT! NO THAT! OH MY GOODNESS BABA *she puts her hands to her cheeks* SO MANY THINGS TO DO BABA!

*Adam laughs, and bends down*

Adam: Emma habibti, do you need a second to calm down?

Emma: *shaking her head* No! I'm just happy!

Adam: *standing back up* Okay. *he takes their hands again* let's go!

*For the next hour, the go around riding the ponies, and the rides and doing everything the girls want. Finally the six of them meet up for lunch, and as they are waiting in line to put in their order, Emma sneaks up to Jenna*

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now