Kailar - Chapter 12

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Currently writing this while eating strawberry cheesecake <3

Thanks for 566 reads, my luvs!!

                                                              - DaCi


Kailar's POV

I walked through the dark the cells of the compound, which was lit with minimal lighting. It only took a second before I made it to the cell where Lelana was being held.

"Start explaining, before I kill you." I growled out as I entered the large room.

"I do not have to explain myself, to you."

"Oh yes you do. I am being very easy on you but I will not think twice about killing a girl, so do it or I will have you hung upside down so I can slit your throat and drain your blood out."

"It is all her fault." She simply stated, sitting on the small metal bench we had.

"She hasn't and will never do anything wrong." I growled out.

"That's what you think. I am mated." She responded softly.

"I know you are, obviously."

"No... I am mated to Terra's brother. Leon."

Leon, the one person of Terra's family I have never met. The oldest one, who died from rouges when she was younger

"Leon is dead, and has been for many of years now. Tell the truth Lelana." I growled furiously.

"I am!" She yelled. "He isn't dead, I am his mate, I saved him!" She stood up defensively, red from anger.

"You better have one damn good explanation."

She took a moment catching her breath as the tears were forming in her eyes, but she tried not to let them fall.

"Leon was supposedly killed when he was around 18. It wasn't the truth... Their father. Alpha Uta is a bad man, their whole family. They killed, well tried to kill Leon because they didn't agree on terms. Terra could have helped him! It is her fault he now lives among the rouges. I found him and saved him, we made our own pack but he wanted better for me, he knew I would be safe here." She whispered.

I took a moment to process this. Of course Terra was out of the question and wasn't involved in any of this; she would have been too young to do anything about it. I needed proof about their family. I needed answers. I needed to see the man in person; I need Lelana to go get Leon.

"I have a proposition. You will go with 10 of my guards to find 'Leon'. When you return you will be sentenced to 24 hours of solitude. I will let terra decide whatever else she wants to give you as punishment. Reasonable?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I will get things arranged you will leave tomorrow morning. Do not try anything stupid." I responded before walking out.

I headed to my office, it was time I called my sister to check up on her, or else my mother would yell at me more than ever which was something I did not need at the moment.

I dialed the number while sitting in my chair across from my desk, and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" It was Terra's mother. She sounded tired, but I was more worried about my sister.

"Hello Mrs. Uta, is Emma there it is Alpha Legett." I announced I didn't have time for formalities.

"Oh hello, umm yes she is upstairs with Blake let me go get her." She responded as I heard the phone being sat down on the table.

About two minutes later Emma finally made it to the phone.

"Um... Hello?"

"Emma, how are you?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"I am f-fine, how is everything?" She stuttered. I was suddenly worried about who I put my sister in the hands of.

"Everything is good, just wondering why you didn't come for the ceremony?"

"Blake was um... Busy, were sorry we couldn't come. I will tell him you said hello when I go back upstairs."

"That's okay. Have you been out together lately?"

"Y-yea he takes me out all the time..." She clearly lied.

"Well Terra was telling me about this place she use to go to, and look at the waterfall. See if he will take you out tomorrow evening on a date..."

"Emma, we are going out, Blake said go back to his office in two minutes!" I heard Mrs. Uta Yell as the door closed.

"I'll see, look I have to go Kailar." She responded hurriedly.

"Wait. Emma... Are you really okay?" I asked in a whisper.


"I'm coming." I responded, as she hung up the phone afterwards.

I sighed, standing up running my hands through my hair.

'Nathan.' I stated through my mind link.

'Yes Emery?' He responded in a mere second.

'Is Terra doing okay?'

'Soundly asleep, Nina is here also.'

'Good come to my office, bring Brady and five of his men.'

'On it, be there in five.'

I closed off the link and just sat on my desk going over everything that could have happened.

It was long until there was a knock on my door and they all came in with worried expressions on their face.

"Something wrong?" Nathan asked standing across from me.

"Emma is in trouble. I need you all to go Uta territory camp out until tomorrow evening around the waterfall." I took out a map of their territory and showed them where to be positioned. "Use wolf bane to mask your scent. Get Emma bring her back. I don't want Blake killed unless he retaliates and she is in danger. If you don't see them by late evening, go to their house and get her on orders of the king, if they refuse. Kill them all." I responded looking at Brady.

"Yes, Sir." They all responded bowing their heads.

"Go load the truck you leave tomorrow morning, at two so you can get around most of the borders."

They all left the room, while Nathan stayed behind.

"Doctor said Terra is perfect fine and should wake up in a few hours, and your sister is a fighter she will be okay."

I nodded as he patted me on the shoulder. "Now come you need food, your mother has asked about you all day and told me to at least make sure you ate something." I got up and followed him to the Hall.

" I got up and followed him to the Hall

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