Kailar - Chapter 35

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Sorry that it has been a while, currently just got back from a competition in California! and now about to finish up with exams :) Hope you are all doing well!!

                                                             -DaCi <3

Chapter 35

Kailar's POV


I woke up to the sound of Terra screaming from the bathroom, and I rushed as quickly as I could the where she kneeled on the floor. She looked out of it as I looked her over for injuries and asked her if she was okay but she would respond, and soon later she passed out in my arms.

I mindlinked the doctor which stayed in the palace before carrying her back to the bed where I laid her down and checked to make sure she was breathing still, which to my relief she was she was just freezing which I knew her wolf had taken over.

"Nathan, Colt!" I yelled as I went to the door of our room and yanked it open before rushing back to Terra who still laid there unresponsive. I tried shaking her but she was still out and colder.

"What the hell." Nathan stated as he bolted through the door, with Colton following behind him in a panic.

"She just passed out, her wolf has taken over to heal her!." I rushed out in a panic."WHere are the girls?"

"Leon, and Logan took them when they left."

I nodded rubbing my hands through my hair. "Colton go open the front door and wait until the doctor get her so she'll know where to go. Nathan get me a hot towel or something she's freezing." I ordered as they did so. Nathan was quick to bring me a warm ran and a couple of blankets.

"What happened to lead to this?" Nathan stated holding he hand, as I laid the cloth on her forehead.

"I don't know she threw up a lot more than normal which I don't think was morning sickness. I think it was food poisoning... Stay here with her will you." I went downstairs to the kitchen and checked the food the girls had eaten, which were all fine they were just bought the other day. I went back to the room and into the bathroom recognizing a scent I didn't catch before which was wolfsbane. I closed the door before coming back to where Nathan and Terra were.

I could feel my anger rising, I knew it had to be someone inside the castle, and the doctor we had visited earlier who was suppose to send her records back to the castle. I was being betrayed by my own people again, and even worse they thought they wouldn't get caught harming my mate.

"Kailar calm down! What was it?" Nathan asked standing up.

I could see red as my wolf was about to take over."

"They. Tried. To. Harm. My. Mate." I growled but it wasn't me it was my wolf.

"Look Chase calm down give me Kailar back he is the only one who can help Terra get better right now... Please." Nathan spoke to my wolf his voice breaking. My wolf pondered before releasing it's hold on me, as I caught my breath again.

"Kailar the doctor is here."

She was a much older woman who spent most of her time in the castle with her mate who was also a doctor.

"My King, what has happened." She approached Terra and he assistant took the supplies out of her bag.

"She was poisoned, with wolfsbane."

"When would you say she was poisoned?"

"No idea probably at the dinner. She was fine when she came back for like two hours then she went to bed."

"Her temperature is 89 degrees, and if she ingested wolfsbane no offence she should be dead."

I growled slightly. " She's a healer, and if you look at her records she's allergic to it, this is the result."

"I haven't received any records..."

"They should have arrived as soon as Alena made a copy."

"Alena hasn't been seen since she closed earlier, sir." Dr. Carlson stated.

"Look, I'll figure it out but Terra is my first priority." I responded, as she nodded.

"If her wolf is doing most of the work we can only help so much. I would prefer her in my office where I could keep a check on her and the babies, run more test and such." I nodded as I picked her up and we left for Dr. Carlson's office.

. . . .

Once we arrived she ran a few blood test and started her on some fluids, and suggested I give her some of my blood also to help heal her faster and fight off the wolfsbane from the babies, which I agreed knowing it would help her.

The guys stayed until I told them it was fine and they needed rest seeing that it was almost 5 am and they were up with me ever since it happened.

I soon fell asleep but was woken soon later by the doctor coming to check up on her, turns out she was getting better and hopefully she would be awake by evening, but they wanted her to stay for another night to make sure she, and the babies were fully fine before they left.

Logan came by with Nina who brought her some more clothes, and things to keep her entertained when she woke up. Emma also came by to bring me food to personally make sure I was eating and said she would check in later on once Brady was off training duty.

I took another nap until Terra woke up completely confused and in a haze until I told her what happened.

She was still upset that she had let herself get so close to the wolfsbane without knowing, but I assured her it was a small amount and in the moment she wouldn't have noticed because none of us had.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"No you have no reason to be so stop saying it. Someone is just trying to bring down our family and I am going to find out who, but first we have to find Alena." I stated.

"What do you mean find?"

"Turns out your records never made it back here, and Alena went missing soon afterwards we suspect she had some part in this. Nathan sent out a team earlier this morning, to look for her so far no trace of her scent."

"Where has your mother been Kailar?"

"You think my mother did this?"

"Not pointing any fingers, but I actually do I haven't seen her around since we talked to her and she did get pretty aggressive." Terra stated sitting up and rubbing her stomach. "Kailar, im just worried okay I'm not even safe here and I just want healthy children and a loving future with you."

"I agree with you she has been pretty aggressive, and if it makes you feel better I will have some guards check out her office and quarters. As for the rest I feel the same way I want you and the pups safe as well, and that just means I need to be more protective i've been slacking which has put you at risk. I need to be more strict on my people show them that I am not a person to be messed with during my reign."

She nodded as I sat on the bed beside her putting my hands on her belly.

"They're strong, just like their mom." I stated as she kissed me softly.

"I love you Kailar." She whispered.

"Love you too Terra." I replied kissing her again.

" I replied kissing her again

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