Kailar - Chapter 13

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This was such a hard chapter to write q.q but this is the turning point of the story!


I opened my office door seeing my sister, who sat there silently in the chair in front of my desk. She looked both depressed and nervous. She only stared at Brady who looked like his whole world had collapsed in front of him again.

"Emma..." I sat on the edge of my desk close to her.

She tried to give me a fake smile but it quickly faded to my stone look. I was worried I wanted the truth not some fake story to make me feel better. "Hello Emery." She responded weakly, as I could hear her voice crack.

"Emma, tell me what happened." I could see a tear fall from her eye.

"They seemed nice, but they aren't Blake was the worst. He was abusive when he wasn't pretending to care about me in front of his mother. Danielle was the nicest to me I never seen much of John though. They, would always leave at night and that's when Blake would beat me." She lifted her shirt showing me the bruises, which made me, growl. I allowed my own sister to get beaten, and did nothing to help. I could hear Brady's chest vibrate in a low growl of defense also.

"Emma tell him... It doesn't stop there." Brady stated standing taller, taking a deep breath. He looked like he was breaking down in front of me, our strongest fighter was about to crumble.

"One night he knocked me out... I woke up tied to the bed, Kailar he raped me." She cried. " He completed the mating and now I am stuck with a scar that will remind me every day of my life!" She cried.

"Emma shh." I rubbed her arm as she cried. "I am so sorry it happened it is all my fault, I know it can be hard to deal with." I comforted her.

"That isn't what she meant." Brady interjected.

"Emma... What is it?" I growled.

"I am having his child. Emery I am stuck with his child, mateless. The child will have no father, a child of a sick bastard." Emma sobbed.

I growled not at her but myself throwing a large box on my desk at the far wall of the office.

"No." Brady said walking over to Emma. "I want to mark over his, claim the child as my own." Brady stated. "I love you Emma." Now it made sense that Emma was dating Brady the whole time. " Will you allow It Alpha?"

I looked at Emma. "Only if it okay with her."

"You would do that for me?" She cried.

"You don't know how much it hurt to when I found out you met your mate. I am not doing it you, I am doing it for us. My mate was killed but I won't lose you Emma. Please accept." He pleaded.

"I love you Brady. I accept." She replied hugging him.

"Brady... Did you kill him?" I asked

He looked at Emma. "Yes, I did Alpha. He threatened to kill Emma. I commanded my men to attack."

"Where is the body?"

"In the morgue, sir."

"I will go later. Emma I think it is best you go see mother. Brady, thank you and welcome to the family." I gave Emma a hug before they left.

I spent another hour finishing the reports for the death of Blake. I knew there would be war soon. The Uta's would want Terra who would now be next in line, and then Emma's child. Now was the time to tell Terra."


"Share." I growled playfully sitting on the bed. She was eating oatmeal with a strawberry smoothie.

"Fine you can have the rest, not the smoothie but this. I need to take a shower anyways."

"Terra wait." She stopped walking to the bathroom

"Kailar what's wrong?"

"Your brother... They killed him." She only looked down and I could see she wanted to cry but held it back.

"Was it quick?" She looked me in the eyes I could feel her pain radiating off of her.

"I believe so." I honestly didn't know.

"His body?"

"In our morgue. We will return it to your family. Terra I am truly sorry."

"I see. Well I am going to go take my shower."

"Terra..." She ignored me walking into the bathroom. I just came to the fact that she needed to be alone to cope with everything by herself.

'It has been over thirty minutes.' My wolf informed me. I could feel her pain. I got up to go check on her.

I slowly opened the door to find her sitting beside the wall changed with tear stains on her shirt.

I bent down pulling her to me as she sobbed into my shirt.

"Terra calm down you're going to have a panic attack." I rubbed her back.

"He turned into my father." She cried. " It was all my fault, as his older sister I should have stopped him!"

"It is not your fault now what do you mean he-"

"He is abusive. For years he has beaten pack members. My friends! And mother allowed it to happen!"

"What did he do to them?" I could feel her heart beat getting faster as she started breathing slowly. "Never mind do not worry about it, I need you to be okay take your time I will stay with you."

"Starvation, beatings, executions. He made us watch that day, she was so young. All she did was talk out of term at the meeting he beat her for three days... Then, she spoke her mind and it costed her, her life-" She pushed away from me quickly hovering over the toilet emptying her stomach.

I held her hair out of her face until she was done. "Are you feeling better?" She washed her mouth out in the sink, and then brushed her teeth.

"I feel better, probably just needed to calm down, like you said." She sat on the counter.

"Terra, darling I am going to take you to the doctor." I responded.

"I do not need to go, nothing is wrong."

"This isn't... I think-"

"No. There is no way I am but if you insist I will go."

"Thank you." I replied as I left to let her finished getting ready.

** **

"She is perfectly healthy from the results." The doctor replied. I know there were no mistakes with the results. "Just get plenty of rest. Your wolf may need to get out more also if that's okay with you, Alpha. Other than that you are free to go."

We left the infirmary and just sat outside by the trees. It was a while before recognized the scent change, my wolf worried about Terra's safety. A pack of rouges.

 A pack of rouges

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