Kailar - Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Terra's POV


"We must visit my mother, tell her what has been done." Kailar paced around the room. "No doubt she will hate me, but it had to be done hopefully she will understand."

"She is a mother of course she will feel sorrow for her daughter, but you are a king and the safety of your family and people come first." I responded placing a hand on his chest stopping him.

"At least I have you, Love." I smiled and kissed him softly as he placed a hand on my stomach. "Will Colton be joining us?"

"No he departed this morning told me to inform you once you had a moment free, no doubt he shall arrive at the palace early though." Kailar laughed at my statement.

"Good I was getting tired of him spending every moment around you, your mine." He growled as I pushed away playfully.

"Give him a break it's just as hard for him as it is for us to take in." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge taking a sip.

"I know, I know. As for our departure sorry for the late notice but we will have to leave tonight. Nathan is also going to be transferred to the palace facility to work on his rehabilitation." Kailar smiled.

I beamed a huge smile. I was ecstatic that Nathan would be able to be near us while he got back on his feet. His wolf healed him a lot while he was injured but his body would have to adjust and heal the rest on his own, not to mention we had to explain what happened to Julia which he took really well turned out Julia wasn't the ideal mate he wished to be paired with saying she argued with him constantly about little things she didn't like, and how he wasn't perfect enough for her. I was shock to say that such a quiet girl would be capable of such things but never judge a book by its cover.

"That is perfectly fine, I can sleep on the way there. Will Nina and Logan be coming with us?"

"Not yet tomorrow evening I wanted Logan to stay a time longer to make sure everything will be fine here don't worry Nina will be with you soon Terra." He responded grabbing the luggage bags from underneath the bed.

We didn't need to bring much just a few necessities an abundance of clothes were still back at our main house. He started packing some of his clothes into the smaller bag. I grabbed my nag and started packing some of my undergarments before stopping.

"Will we be returning... Anytime soon?"

He let out a breath softly. "To be honest I don't know, I might but I would feel safer is you were at the palace away from any harm where we can get you a regular doctor one of our best.

I nodded softly before I continued to pack my things

. . . .

It wasn't too late when we left after I said goodbye to Leon and Lelana who would be staying at the visiting pack house when they arrived back later, and Nathan got into the front passenger seat while our driver got into the car. Kailar wanted to drive but I talked him out of it ordering him to rest while he could especially after our time at the compound.

Once our stuff was in the car and the guards were ready to depart we left for our two hour ride back to the palace. Nathan was up in sprits making sure he cracked jokes with me to slightly piss off Kailar like old times, which went on for about thirty minutes before Kailar gave him his medicine which knocked him out in no time.

I laid down with my head in his lap, as he rubbed my hair.

"This isn't a safe way to ride." Kailar stated.

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