Kailar - Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Terra's POV


I surrendered my control to her as she let out the most vicious growl I could ever imagine, as all the fighting ended. Each wolf was stunned, locked in place and if I dare seen one move towards me I would end their life as quickly as they were brought into it.

My wolf huffed as she advanced towards the crazed man who now stood over my barely breathing mate. He transformed into his human form which stood with a smirk of pathetic victory.

"Finally I have raised a killer. Sadly I will have to end you also dear daughter."

My wolf crouched into her attacking position before growling shaking what blood she was covered in onto the cold pavement floor beneath her. She quickly charged at my father wanting nothing more than to finally end everything.

He shifted quickly as I took the first blow straight into him knocking him on his side. He shook it off quickly biting my side but I shook him off lunging for his back legs. He was old but he still had strength which I could easily match.

I took all my might as I bit into his hind leg as hard as I could before ripping off what could be taken. I spat out his blood and fur leaving his foot on the ground as he continued to try to fight me but soon fell due to the loss of blood, as the chorus of gasps could be heard.

I took my moment taking in his pain, remembering all the torment he put others through as I plunged my canines into his throat ending his life. My wolf let out a low growl warning everyone what their fate would be if they approached.

"It's all your fault!" I recognized the voice belonging to my mother who was now pointing at Julia who looked more than scared with shock. My mother quickly looked at me with nothing but anger as she started strolling her way to me putting my wolf on edge.

She was cut off by Colton, and Steven who flanked her as she quickly stopped at their growl. I quickly shifted trying to gain back everything before I managed to say any words.

"Take her to the cells... Julia too" I stated as Colton and Steven shifted and Colton took them off despite Julia's protest.

Nina soon approached with a blanket which she wrapped me up in, which I thanked her gratefully for. I made my way to Kailar where he was laying on the floor being attended to by a doctor I waved her off after she told me he was okay just out for a while and I called Logan to move him into a building.

I stood up and looked up around to everyone taking in all their expressions.

"Now that everyone is finished... I hope. No I order you all to return to your respectful place. Stop all of this nonsense you have caused nothing but unnecessary trouble for our people. Left nothing but a mess that people will have to clean up. Slaughtered nothing but innocent people who we will have to explain to their families what happened some who can't even be identified." I took a breath still standing tall ignoring the pain that I was finally noticing.

"You followed a man who had instilled nothing but torment in my life for the 18 years and did nothing more but brainwash your minds. Your names will be taken as you leave, for now you are free but I shall discuss with my mate when he is well what he wants your punishment to be for now be prepared to give your identities, who ever doesn't will be killed. Is that fucking understood!" I growled out, as every head bowed and some kneeled.

I instructed what were left of my able men to set up stations to record all the information which should be sent to the office immediately. Steven made his way over to me a blanket wrapped around him.

"Look Terra, I am sorry. For everything." Stephen stated looking down.

"You should have told me." I growled softly.

"I couldn't, I tried your father caught me the first time I tried to leave I would be dead if I didn't come up with a good enough lie." I nodded.

"Look we will discuss everything later, I just want to see my mate for now." He nodded as I waved over Nina.

"You okay?" She softly asked.

"Perfectly." I lied. "See to it that Stephen is tended to then give him a room somewhere you can find." She nodded. "And please go get some rest you shouldn't even be out here." She slightly smiled patting me on the shoulder before pulling me into a tight hug.

"You did good." She whispered in my ear, pulling back. "Kailar is on the second floor room 108, Colton is on his way back wait for him don't wander off alone. Colton would be very upset."

"You mean Kailar."

"Kailar would be but Colton has a bond you wouldn't understand-" Nina started.

"Let's go Terra." Colton stated from behind me giving Nina a close stare before softly pulling me away.

"What was that about I said as Colton walked closely beside me still looking around protectively.

"You have something that belongs to me. I think..." He said going up the first flight of stairs on a clear hallway.

"Your mistaken."

"That I intend to find out." He replied gruffly, as we stopped at an door.

I made my way in as he stayed outside. Kailar was laid on a bed a bandages on various spots of his body.

"I gave him some medicine to ease the pain before he was brought up that why he is sleeping. His injuries we pretty bad but I think his wolf is taking most of the burden off of him.

"So he will be okay?"

"Hard to say it depends on him, there is not much I can do more than what I already did. He had a lot of silver and wolfsbane in him."

"Can you give me some time with him?"

She nodded as she quietly made her way out the room. I took a seat beside him slightly flinching from the wound that was starting to heal as I held the blanket to it more.. It wasn't peaceful my wolf could since it he was still in pain. I held his hand softly and placed them intertwined on his chest.

"I can heal you but I need your help." I stated softly before I started the healing process with what energy I had left. It took me a few minutes but afterwards I could feel that he was better which eased my wolfs nerves as I finally felt all of the exhaustion hit me as I fell asleep beside Kailar, my hand still on his chest.

 It took me a few minutes but afterwards I could feel that he was better which eased my wolfs nerves as I finally felt all of the exhaustion hit me as I fell asleep beside Kailar, my hand still on his chest

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