Kailar - Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Terra's POV

Sincerely Yours

When I was finally released the girls all came to check on me and my ladies were of course a big help when I needed them throughout the day to help me take care of one baby while I had to fed the other or to put them to sleep when I was getting tired and needed to do my own things.

Colton was also here still and would often take the babies and read to them or feed them so Kailar and I could have some time. I was more comfortable having Colton around the pups than anyone else since he was Ivory's protector. That was the reason for the explainable bond and I was relieved he wasn't a mate.

It was now the day before Christmas and we had decided to go ahead with the festivities considering that everything was going well Kace and Ivory were well asleep in their bassinets as I helped finish up the small task and my ladies finished up the cooking, and getting someone to set up the rooms for Colton's sister Winter and his son Ryan who should be here in about an hour.

Kailar was out with Logan, Nathan, and Colton doing last minute shopping of course while, I relaxed with Nina, Lelana, Leon, Emma, and Brady while we watched Christmas movies and played Board games. It was nice having all of the little ones with us here as they slept and we enjoyed each other's company.

"It's so good to finally be able to sit down with each other and relax. It seems as if we haven't had time together in a while." Nina spoke as she sipped on her mug of hot chocolate.

Lelana let out a small laugh as she pulled the blanket up around her legs as she snuggled onto the large couch.

"We were with you a few days ago." She smiled.

"I know but it just seems like forever, with everything going on." Nina responded.

"Yeah, it's just been a year honestly we have went through a lot but I am glad were all together." I spoke as Emma agrees and sat next to me as Leon and Brady went off to talk about Sports.

It wasn't long until Kailar and the guys came back with bags of wrapped gifts and all went to put them under the tree.

Soon Colton's sister and son arrived and we were all introduced to them. They all seemed to enjoy being with Colton so far though I was sure they were missing home a bit. Colton took no time making his way to Ivory and did not want to leave her side.

"What's her name?" He asked me as I stood there with Colton who was smiling at the sight.

"Her name is Ivory Elizabeth." I spoke as he looked back in awe and, I smiled at the adoration he showed.

"Daddy I can't leave her." He spoke as he hugged Coltons leg with tear in his eyes.

"How so?" Colton responded kneeling down to his son and, wiped his tears away as Kailar came over his hand on the small of my back looking at me wondering what was going on.

"I just can't daddy." He sniffled. "Mine, she's going to be my best f-friend." The boy spoke through sniffles as he look at Colton.

"Well, I guess we, will just have to figure something out huh?" Colton spoke rubbing his son's hair as he smiled brightly as he ran off and grabbed his toys his aunt bought and played with them in the living room.

We all made sure the children were fine and feed before we headed to the dinning room to enjoy our meal and then enjoyed gifts by the tree.

I had an abundance of gifts from the family and Kailar. The had gifted me new clothes, and purses, even Colton's little box made me a gift of a wolf out of modeling clay. Kailars gift had to me one of my favorites though which was a clay mold of the twins handprint, their name, weight, and date that they were born inscribed below them.

I gifted Kailar a new gold ring but on the inside it said 'best dad' and a new watch which arrived just in time that had part of my wedding vows to him engraved on the back of it.

I looked at Lelana who smiled nervously but I encouraged her as she gave Leon a flat box. He opened it noticing how light it was but gave her a curious look as he took out a bunch of blue and pink tissue paper, until he got to a tiny picture at the bottom and started at it for a while before a smile overcame him.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked Lelana who nodded excitedly as he hugged her tightly lifting her up off the ground a little. Everyone congratulated them on their future pup and gave them hugs.

After everyone had left we cleaned up the mess from the party along with a few helping hands and then proceeded to put the twins to bed.

"That was a nice night don't you agree, darling?" Kailar spoke as he came out of the shower a towel around his waist as he dried his hair with another smaller towel.

"I enjoyed it a lot we need to get together more often with everyone including other alphas and their family. You know it would be good for alliances." I spoke as I applied my skin care products as he sprayed some cologne on himself.

"I agree, but for now I will be happy with just you and the pups." He responded with a smile as he went to change into his night clothes.

I checked up on the twins again before I made my way to bed where Kailar was finishing looking over his last report of the day.

I looked over some texts that I had recently gotten since the party, most of them thanking us for the evening and the gifts.

"So Colton's child huh?" I asked looking at him as he pulled me to him and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Our daughters mate. I sense the connection already. I could feel Kailar tense, which I found cute he was already protective.

"In his dreams." He gruffly responded as I let out a light chuckle.

"Kailar ease up he is only a pup himself, he will be her best friend, protect her, they will be inseparable." I responded as I felt him lighten up a bit.

"Only time will tell." Kailar spoke looking down at me. "For now I will enjoy my pups company without a boy or girl trying to steal them away."

I laughed more looking back up at him. He was everything I had hoped for and I was entirely grateful for him and my family.

"I love you Kailar, never forget that." I spoke softly as he gave me a confused look but smiled at the end.

"How can I, I love you also and I remember that every time I see or think about you. Thank you for giving me yourself and two beautiful pups darling, Merry Christmas" He responded kissing me gently.

"Merry Christmas, Love."

The End

Thank you for taking the time to read this story vote, and  follow me if you did. It has been wonderful being able to write this for all of you and get to talk and watch you fall in love with my first book in which I wasn't to sure about at the beginning. Never would I have thought that I would have this many reads. Again, I can not thank you enough.

Love, DaCi <3

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