Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Classes went by torturously slow, and when the bell for lunch to start rang, to say I was relieved was an understatement. I scooted out of my seat and took off towards the cafeteria, the aroma of food wafting to my nostrils. I jumped in line and fidgeted with my long black hair that went past my waist. My earphones were in, blasting music, but I kept my swampy moss colored eyes on my surroundings. My eyes would dart around if someone moved to fast, and my body would clench up if somebody got too close.

I snatched a yummy looking cheeseburger and fruit salad up, then paid the lunch lady. I weaved between the lunch tables and nearly shouted in joy when I spotted an empty table far away from everyone else. Just as I was about to sit down, a hand loudly slapped my ass. Along with everyone else in the cafeteria, I froze with shock. I took my earbuds out and slowly turned around to face the boy who was brave enough to put his hands on the me.

My eyes dart around the lunch room to see everyone with their hands covering their mouths.

"Can I help you?" My left eye twitched, and I had to tell myself to calm down before I pummeled this dickhead.

"The name's Brad baby, what's yours?" His voice was so annoying.

"Why did you just smack my ass?" I gritted my teeth, and several tables behind me, I saw Caden and Talon stand up from their table. I subtly shook my head, letting them know I could handle it.

"Because it's a nice ass," and like an idiot, he reached around with both hands and openly groped me again. With furious eyes, I shove Brad away. I was breathing heavily, my body itching to get into a fight.

"Touch me again, as I will take your manhood," I growled and just decided to turn around so I didn't kill him. What I didn't expect, was for Brad to grab my hair, and yank me to the cold, dirty ground. Fuck composure. He just touched my hair. I look up at Brad with wild eyes, promising him that I was going to kill him. I could see Caden and Talon walking towards us, but like lightening, my foot struck out and I knocked Brad off balance. Eerily similar to a snake, I strike quickly and viscously, delivering blow after blow on his face. My fist drove into his face, and I wasn't satisfied even though I heard a crunch. Before I could bash his skull in, arms wrapped around me and pulled me away from a groaning Brad. I let them, since I was starting to get dizzy and I decided he got the clue to leave me alone. Whenever my head was whipped around quickly, I would get these dizzy spells. I knew exactly why, it just brought me pain to think about it.

"Whoa calm down there Short Stuff." Caden was still dragging me out of the lunch room, away from prying eyes. I peer over my shoulder to see Talon following us with narrowed eyes. Like he had better things to be doing than following Caden and I. When we were finally out of sight from everyone else, I pushed away from Caden roughly, causing him to wobble slightly.

"Hey, I was just trying to help," he put his hands up defensively.

"Yo, Caden! What the hell just happened," I spun on my heels as a another guy ran over to us. I glared at this newcomer, in which he responded with a double take. He punched Caden in my shoulder and pointed a finger in my face.

"Dude, isn't that the chick that just beat up Brad," the new guy stared at me in amazement.

"Tav this is-," Caden looked down at me and glared.

"Short stuff, you still have not told me your name."

"It's Olivia."

"Tav this is Olivia, Liv, this is Tavriel, but we call him Tav." I glared at Caden with pursed lips.

"My name is Olivia, loser." I reluctantly shook Tav's outstretched hand, but when he tried to kiss it, I flicked his forehead with my opposite hand. He froze mid-way down and let me go, then looked over to Caden who was biting his lip to keep from smiling.

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