Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"Wait, what?" Mina's voice was a high pitched screech. "Talon spilled his guts to you, you rejected him, you got jumped, he saved you, brought you to his house, almost kissed you, you ran away and now you are here?" I nodded timidly.

"You crazy bitch!" Mina slapped my arm and I winced. 

Let me rewind a bit. 


Blazing sunshine shone through my eyelids and burned my retinas. My eyes shoot open and I peer around lazily. It wasn't until I looked around for the fourth time, did I realize where I was. I sit up from Talon's bed and groan as the dizziness attacks me with gusto. It wasn't as bad as before, but it still sucked. I looked over at the clock and groaned yet again. It was way past the time Mina would have picked me up. 

Knock, knock. 

The door opens and my mouth goes dry. Talon stands in the doorway with dark wash jeans that hung low on his hips, a simple muscle tee, and black socks. His hair was wet as if he had just taken a shower. I looked away, remembering the last time I caught Talon in the bathroom. 

"You're awake," he said. His voice was low, and I could hear a sense of relief through his words. 

"Obviously, dipshit." He frowned at the nickname, but came in regardless. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked softly as he took a seat at the end of his bed. I pulled the blanket up higher, feeling insecure with him in here with me. Last time we were in his room. . . We were Beavers and he gave me some of his wood. If you catch my drift. 

"I'm fine. Just a little woozy." Talon frowned as he looked down at his dark comforter. 

"What were you thinking Olivia? Going out alone like that?" His tone was angry, but if I sifted enough, I could detect fear. Fear of what could have happened to me. I could have ended up like Lexi, and after all this time, that's what he's been trying to prevent that. 

"I forgot." Pure, unfiltered anger flitted across the sharp features of his face. 

"You forgot? God Olivia, that's what's gonna get you killed for fucks sake! You have to be more careful!" He shouted at me as I shrunk away from him. He was all brooding and bristling, and that's a very intimidating combination on Talon Savage. Once he saw that I was cowering away from him, he stopped and turned away from me. I admired his back and the rippling muscles underneath. I stood up from the bed and waited for him to face me again. 

"I need you to trust me." His voice was strained, but he stayed facing away from me. I look down at me hands and shook my head slowly.

"Talon I-" he startled me when he turned around suddenly, and was standing in front of me. I wanted to weep as I looked up into his grey eyes, but I kept silent.

"What?" His tone was daring me to finish my sentence. I gulped down my irrational fear and lifted my jaw, so I was staring back at him. So he wasn't staring down at me, we were equal. 

"Talon, I don't know how. I can't just let you in and trust you like that. It's not like you trust me." He reared back as if I waved a wedge of rotten cheese under his nose. 

"You don't know anything." His voice was dark as he walked me back against the wall behind us. My back hit the wall and I gasped as he trapped my head between his hands. He leaned down so our faces were even, and I got a clear few of his frustrated orbs. 

"I do trust you. Even though I barely know you, I trust you. Completely. I just wish you would trust me. . ." He leaned closer, his lips inches from mine. 

"Let me in." He placed his forehead against mine softly. My eyes closed as I cherished the foreign feeling. 

"Take care of you." This time his lips brushed my cheek. My breath got caught he got closer to my lips. 

"Love you." My eyes shot open as the panic startled me up from my daze. With as much force as I could muster, I shove Talon off of me and I look up at him with wide eyes. His breathing was erratic as he stared at me with confused grey orbs. I started to inch towards his door, but he narrowed his eyes while shaking his head. It was clear in his eyes: don't you dare run away from me. 

I lunged for the door, so did Talon, but he was faster and blocked me from leaving. 

"No way are you leaving. Not now. Tell me what you are running from Olivia!" he yells down at me. What would do more damage? Kneeing him in the balls, punching him in throat or jabbing him in the stomach. I went with the latter, determined to get out. Talon fell to the carpet, and I swallowed the crippling guilt down. I had no choice! He wasn't going to let me leave. 

"Olivia?" I nearly trip and I glance over my shoulder at Lexi. I was in the foyer, and she was standing in the living room waving at me. Not wanting to be rude, I quickly walk over to her and give her a swift hug. She smiles at me, looking much better than before. 

"Are you feeling better? Talon said you got jumped." I nodded, but froze when I heard Talon shout my name. Lexi looked at me with sympathy, and pointed to the back door. 

"See you later Liv." I nodded and sprinted out the back door, rounded the side of the house and headed for Mina's house across the street. I knocked on the desperately, willing for her or Tav to open the door. Just anyone before Talon lifted me over his shoulder, and carry me back to his house like the caveman he is.

"Olivia!" Mina pulled me into the house and gathered me into a familiar hug. 

A/N: CHAPTER THIRTY!!!! I'm very proud of myself! I've never made it this far in any book before. This is an accomplishment. I hope everyone is enjoying so far! 

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A xo

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