Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

"Please. Enlighten me as to why you would run away from him?" Mina crossed her arms as we trailed into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. My heart was still pounding painfully in my chest as I gratefully take the cold cup from Mina's hands. 

"Because Mina," I said in an exasperated voice. I gave her a look to drop it, but Mina wasn't about to let it go.

"No. You tell me. Now." I narrowed my eyes at her demanding tone, but before I could snap at her, my phone rang. She gave me a, this conversation is not over, type of look as I accepted the call. 



"Mom, is that you?" 


I looked at the screen, and noticed the caller ID was 'Unknown'. I frowned and placed the phone back against my ear. 

"Uh, hello?" I tried again. I looked over at Mina who gave me a questioning look. I shrugged and gave her a clueless look. Right as I was going to hang up, a sound stopped me. My heart took off once again as I listened to the perverted heavy breathing on the other end. Sweat broke out across my forehead as I turned around, giving Mina my back. 

"Olivia." I whimpered and desperately held onto the chair in front of me. 

"C - Cyrus." I choked out his name, and held back the puke lodged in my throat. 

"Olivia, you are one hard girl to find." I fell to my knees and let the trapped tears fall onto the kitchen tile as I listened to his voice. I was doing so well at staying hidden. What happened? 

"I still don't know quite where you are, but I will soon. I will find you, and when I do, we will be together forever. I promise." I shook my head, and craned my neck to look back at Mina. She was looking down at me with horror and concern. She rushed to my side, on her knees next to me. 

"Olivia, say something to me." His deep voice squeezed my heart, and not in the romantic way. In the way that evoked absolute terror and angst. The way that made my heart stop beating with foreboding. 

"Go fuck yourself Cyrus." Then I hung up, stood on shaky knees and hurled my phone across the room. I watched with dissatisfaction as it shattered into a million pieces. I fell to the ground again, sobbing in Mina's arms. She held me, not knowing what to do with this broken girl in her arms. She was to seeing me strong; the don't fuck with me version. Through the blood pounding in my ears, I could hear her own heart thudding quickly in her chest. 


She was cut off as another sob tore through my chest loudly. I was near hysterical now, and Mina just sat there like the good person she was and comforted me. She brushed her fingers through my hair and rocked us back and forth. She started singing, and for some strange reason, it started to calm me in the slightest. By the end of the song, I had stopped crying and was reduced to sniffling and a hiccup here and there. 

"What song was that?" My voice was rough from the sobs wracking my body. 

"I'll Keep You Safe by Sleeping At Last." Her voice was soft as she continued to comb my hair. Finally I pulled away, and looked up into Mina's wide, frightened eyes. 

"I deserve an explanation. All of it. I want to hear it. Please. Trust me." I nodded and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. 

"I killed somebody." 

There. I said it; the cat is out of the bag. 

Mina's stricken look would have been hilarious, if not for the seriousness of the situation. 

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