Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen 

"Okay let me get this straight. Talon is going home to rest, and prepare for his underground fight tonight that's highly illegal?" I crossed my arms as I stared Caden down. He looked up from his phone and nodded. 

"How much money does he make if he wins a fight?" I ask. Caden laughs out loud, and Tav chuckles along while shaking his head. Mina gives me a humorous look, like I just made an ironic joke. 

"Baby, Talon never loses a fight. Has never lost one. But to answer your question, a lot. His last fight, he made about five grand." My eyes nearly bulged out of my eye sockets. Five thousand dollars? Well, fuck. 

"What nineteen year old needs five grand for?" I asked dubiously. I mean, he lived in a nice ass house, and had a nice truck, what else does he need it for?

"He doesn't do it for the cash. He just fights to win. He puts the money away for later." I nodded my head as I listened to Caden's every word. For most of the day, Mina and I hung around with the boys. Watching movies, wrestling and just having fun. Well for the most part, I wasn't into it as much. The more time I spent with the guys, the more I considered them friends. That was dangerous territory to be treading. Was it worth it?  

"Hey Liv!" Mina called me in to the kitchen, and I was slightly horrified from what I saw. Flour, and all sorts of food covered every surface in the kitchen. 

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked quietly. A dark blush played on Mina's white-brown skin. 

"I was trying to make lunch for everyone." Her bashful voice made me smile. 

"How about this: we clean this mess up and I can make lunch?" I offered with a nod. Mina agreed, and we spent an hour cleaning the mess up, then she left the kitchen to let me cook. I made some sandwiches and a fruit salad of some sort. As we were sitting and eating our food, something was missing. 

"Mina, where are your parents?" 

"Vacation in Ireland." She answered as she scrolled on her phone. 

"Oh." Caden looked up from his food and winked at me. 

"Sandwich is awesome Dino girl. You can come make me food anytime you want." Caden laughed, but all I could manage was a weak smile. I couldn't stop thinking about the fight that was going down tonight. 

"Don't worry about him; he will be fine." I look up at Tav who gave me an assuring grin and walked off to the kitchen to clean his plate. Next to Talon, Tav was was good at observing and assessing other people's emotions. Being worried for Talon's safety was new to me, and I didn't like it. I couldn't care for him, but it was like it was happening anyway. My brain was throwing all caution to the wind, and that was more dangerous than the boys being my friends. 

Eventually it was eight, and it was time to get ready. Unfortunately, I didn't pack appropriate clothes so I had to borrow Mina's. She picked out an outfit for me, but wouldn't let me see it until my hair and makeup was done. For my hair, she curled my long dark locks into perfection. The curls fell down my back beautifully and as for my makeup, Mina didn't hold back. She gave me a dramatic smokey eye, but she did it in a way that wasn't whoreish. 

I walked into her bedroom and looked at the outfit on the bed with wide eyes. 

I shook my head, "No." Mina nodded her head, smiling, barely able to contain her giddiness. 


"Fuck no." 

"Hell yes." Mina dragged me over to the bed, picked the clothes up and shoved them in arms. 

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