Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Hot! I am too hot. My body is too warm, I have to move now!

My eyes peel open and I wince against the sunshine that shone brilliantly through the window. I blink my eyes a couple more times and frown. This doesn't look like my room. My heart freezes in my chest. This isn't my room. I lift the black, thin sheet up and I feel like vomiting as I stare at the muscular forearm wrapped around my stomach.


I turn my head, ever so slightly as I observe Talon's peaceful face. I close my eyes against the dread and blink the hot, angry tears away that wanted to spring free. How could I be so stupid? How could I get so drunk and allow myself to be put in a compromising situation? I very slowly unwound our legs and winced as my fingers curled around Talon's warm wrist. I gently took it off of my body, and replaced it with a pillow. I scooted away from him just as he squeezed the pillow to his body.

I didn't smile as I looked down at him, I just made a monumental mistake and I couldn't take it back. I couldn't take the fact that I slept with Talon back. I wished I could smile, and it would be back to the way it was, but that wasn't how life worked.

Life wasn't fair. Shit happens; some of it bad, some good.

My eyes roved over the room and the carpet squished between my toes as I walked over to my clothes laying on the floor. I turned back around and watched Talon as I put my dress and shoes back on. I stand there, in the middle of his room, staring at his strangely unperturbed face. It was so serene that I could have stood there and watched him all day. He was even more beautiful when he was scowling every second of the day.

I rip my gaze away from his face, and exit his room, quietly closing the door behind me. I nearly sprint out in Mina's Christian Louboutin's, and pray that I don't run into Farrah. That would be hard to explain. Fortunately, luck is on my side as I make it outside without incident and I run as fast as I can to Mina and Tav's house across the street.

I turn the knob, but I let out a whimper when the knob refuses to give. I reach over and ring the door bell multiple times, and then proceed to knock on the big wooden door. I violently pound my fist, willing someone to wake up and let me in. Finally the door opens to reveal a less than pleased Tav. Once he sees me, his frown turns into confusion.

"Olivia?" Without waiting for his permission, I squeeze past him and into the house. Not bothering to explain to Tav why I was knocking his door down at six in the morning, I rushed up to Mina's room.

I bursted in, startling her from her position on the bed.

"Liv? What happened? Are you alright? Where did you disappear to last night?" I rubbed my temples as her questions made my brain throb.

"Talon and I fucked." My face was blank as I stand with my arms crossed against my chest. Mina's mouth dropped and she blinked multiple times.

"W - What? Y - You-,"

"Yes, I slept with him. Had sex. It was amazing, but now I have to avoid him at all costs. And you are going to help me."

Mina drove me home after I changed, and as soon as I had stepped foot in my room, I sagged my shoulders in relief. I didn't have to face Talon quite yet, and when I do. . . I shuddered and pushed the scary thought away.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Come in," I call out as I sit down on my bed. My mom slowly opens with door and smiles warmly at me as she joins me on the bed. She sighs heavily and suddenly gathers me in a hug, squeezing my shoulders tightly.

"I missed you sweetheart, did you have fun?" I nodded my head, but then I suddenly feel ill once I remember I had to go back to school and face Talon. My mom frowns and takes a hold of my hand; her hand warming my cold fingers.

"What's wrong?" she asks with a frown.

"Mom, I really don't feel good. Can I stay home today?" I cross my fingers behind my back, praying she agreed.

"Of course. I will heat some soup up for you before I go to work." I nod and watch as she exits my bedroom. I change my clothes, and I freeze. I look down and frown. Why did she not ask why I had a dress on? I looked like the epitome of a one-night stand.

I just shrugged and walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower and freshen up. Once my face is completely clear of makeup, I pull my wet hair back in a sloppy braid. I slip on a pair of ratty sweatpants and one of my Jurassic Park t-shirts. I had about ten of them. Feeling lightheaded and extremely anxious, I jumped under my covers and sighed. My head rested perfectly on the fluffy pillow and I happily drifted off to sleep.

This went on for about three days. I stayed home to avoid confronting Talon. I know. I'm a coward. I had told my mom to not answer the door if Talon and his goons showed up, and they did. Caden, Tav and Talon all came knocking on my door, "worried". Well not Talon, I could see his face from my window, and he was livid. I'm sure any guy would if some girl just 'tooted it and booted it'. He's the one who probably humps then dump, not the girl.

After the third day, Mina woke me up, and told me to get dressed.

"Mina, I can't! I can't face him," I whined pathetically as we stood arguing in the middle of my room. Mina placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't care! You have had three days to sulk, you don't get another one! Now go get dressed so we can leave." I glowered at her, but complied and swiftly got dressed. I showered the night before, so I just needed to brush my teeth and freshen up. I placed my glasses on my face, allowing me some protection, and grabbed my back pack. I grumpily stomped down the stairs, and glare unhappily at Mina who frowned down at my clothes.

"You're wearing that?" I looked down at shrugged. For today, I picked out sweats and placed my hair in a messy bun at the top of my head. Mina rolled her eyes, and grabbed my arm after saying goodbye to my mom.

My leg bounced nervously as we zoomed off towards school in Mina's fancy car.

"Relax, would you? Everything will be fine." I forced my leg to stop bouncing as I took a deep, steady breath as we pulled into school.

"Or not." My head shot up and I gazed to where Mina was pointing.

There, at the end of her perfectly manicured nail, was a terrifyingly furious Talon.


A/N: Talon is a beautiful piece of artwork! Swoon. (Kacey Carrig is his name.)

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