Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

• •Talon• •

"No. No, no, NO!" I screamed in denial. Seconds after Olivia's heart stopped beating, and she was taken away by the EMTs, her mom, Corrine, came up wailing. She was able to ride in the back as she was escorted to the hospital, but I wasn't.

"Come on man, let's go to the hospital." Both Caden and Tav had to hoist me up from the floor. They stuffed me into the passenger seat of my own truck, and Caden jumped in the drivers seat.

"She will be alright Talon," Tav assured me.

"Yeah, this is Dino girl we are talking about." Caden backed him up. I kept silent, my head going in circles. I had just found that ultimate medium of happiness. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough. It was all because of Olivia.

"Let's go." I looked up to see we were in the hospital parking lot. Without waiting a second longer, I hopped out and all three of us ran inside. We rushed to the Critical Care section of the hospital, and I spotted Corrine in the waiting room.

"Talon?" I gave her a blank smile as she stood up and embraced me. I hugged her back and gulped down the emotions wanting to sprout free.

"How is she?" I asked after she finally let go.

"I don't know. She's in the operating room right now."

"What about the tumors? Are they going to remove them?" My head snaps to Caden as my heart dropped. Tumors? What the fuck is talking about?

"What?" My voice was dangerously calm as I stood in front of Caden. His usually tan face blanched as he recognized his slip up.

"She told you?" Olivia's mom stood next to me, looking up at Caden with awe. Caden took a step back from me.

"When did she tell you?" she asked.

"About almost two months ago. I think it was the night she found Lexi." My nostrils flared with anger.

"You didn't care to share that with me?" Caden's eyes widened. He put his hands out as he shook his head.

"Dude, I'm sorry. She made me promise not to tell anyone." I couldn't hold the anger and hurt back anymore. I tackled Caden to the ground and took my rage out on him.

"Talon calm the fuck down!" Tav was yelling at me, but I didn't care. I was so hurt, betrayed, angry and in denial. Tav  wrapped his forearms around my neck and dragged me away from Caden. He stood up and I sneered at him as blood dripped to the floor.

"Leave," I yelled at him. Caden shook his head, glaring right back at me.

"Fuck no. She's my friend too Talon. She trusted me enough with her secret, and I wasn't going to betray that trust. I couldn't do that to her. I care for her." Caden spit to the side, his eyes narrowed on me.

He's right.

I shook Tav loose and ran my hand through my hair as I sighed heavily.

"You're right man. I'm sorry, I just. . ."

"Talon, it's alright. I understand. You're stressed out." Caden and I embraced quickly before letting go and looking over at Corrine. Her eyes were wide and confused as she looked between us guys.

"Boys," she muttered under her breath.

"Talon?" I whirl around and give Mina, Lexi and my mom, Farrah, a sad smile. They all surrounded me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry Tal," Mina whispered.

"She's gonna be alright," Farrah whispered. I nodded and looked down at Lexi who was fidgeting nervously. Her eyes were wide and glassy, she was about to cry. I didn't even think of what she must be going through as well as me. Olivia was the one who rescued my sister. Lexi loved Olivia as if she was the sister she's always wanted.

"She's gonna be fine Lex." She looked up at me and didn't respond. She just sat down next to Caden who held her hand.

"You must be Talon's mom." Olivia's mom interrupted us once we were done hugging.

"Yes. I'm Farrah." My mom stuck her hand out.

"Corrine." They shook and walked off to chat. I sat in the corner all by myself, not in the mood to talk. Mina took a seat next to Tav and she rested her head on her brother's shoulder.

I picked up a magazine just to pass the time, but in hospitals time was an awful time. It felt like three hours, but when I looked up at the small clock, it had only been three minutes.

Hours later, I was seconds from dozing off when a female voice startled me awake.

"Olivia's family?" I shot up, as well as the rest of us. Corrine looked over at me and rushed up to the doctor. I followed her, and as the doctor opened her mouth she stared at me.

"Are you family?"

"Yes, now how is she?" Corrine snapped. The doctor pursed her lips and took a deep breath. Oh no.

"We were able to give her a blood transfusion, and get the bullet out. We also performed a emergency surgery and we were able to remove the cyst and two tumors on her brain. It was tricky, considering we didn't have much time." Corrine slumped in relief, but from the look the doctor was giving us, something was wrong.

"What is it?" I didn't really want to know, I was scared to know. The female doctor rubbed the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath.

"Come with me." Both Corrine and I followed the doctor cautiously. She led us into a room; Olivia's room. Corrine and I took a good look at her on the bed, and I had to catch Olivia's mom before she fell to the ground. I looked at Olivia with horror, my heart aching painfully in my chest. There was a tube taped to the corner of her mouth. Then another tube was up her nose, and the machines were loud.

Her head was completely bare of any hair, and covered with bandages. I let Corrine go so she could go to Olivia. She sobbed into her daughter's side, and I just stood there, frozen with fear and shock. I looked over at the doctor with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" The doctor gulped and looked over at Corrine crying over Olivia's body.

"She's brain dead."

"What? What does that mean?" my voice was tight with barely contained emotion.

"It means the blood has stopped flowing to her brain. Her brain is dead, therefor. . . She's dead. And nothing will bring her back."

A/N: please don't hate me.

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