Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Where are you going?" I looked over at Talon frantically. I was in Talon's truck, and we were on our way to see Lexi. Well that's what Talon told me, but now I was pretty sure he is kidnapping me. We were in some wooded area, secluded from the busy city. 

Again I ask, "Talon! Where are we going?" He refused to answer me. I huffed and crossed my arms angrily. I watched the trees carefully as to not look over at Talon. It was so tempting to watch his strong profile as he clenched his jaw. My head snapped over to him when the car came to a stop, then I looked back out the window. We were in some clearing that was wide and open, flowers scattering the soggy grass. 

"Let's take a walk." was all Talon said. I reluctantly got out of his truck and followed him. I made sure to stay a good two, three feet away from him as we walked. The trees gently shook as the wind disturbed the leaves. Thankful for my sweatshirt, the semi-bitter air nipped at my face as Talon finally found a place to stop. He sat down beneath a tree, and I just stood there staring at him oddly. 

"Sit down." Talon looking off in the distance wistfully was a gorgeous sight. I sat down across from him, ignoring the nerves eating the lining of my stomach. 

"Why did you bring me out here?" I ask, keeping my eyes on his blank face. 

"I'm going to tell you something Olivia, and I don't want you to interrupt me." He looked me square in the eye when he said my name, making me gulp. I nodded mutely, not wanting to rupture the trance he seemed to be in. 

"My father is an evil man. Truly evil. He used to beat my mom and I, but he would never lay a hand on Lexi for some reason. It started out just a couple times a month, then weeks, then he did it multiple times during the day." I clenched my fists as I listened to Talon talk. He was looking off into the trees, seeming to be lost in his memories. 

"As I got older, I started to hit back. Fuck would I hit him back, and it felt him good. I hit him so hard once, I beat him with an inch of his life. Eventually he left; it wasn't worth it I guess. Once he left, everything went back to normal. Well not exactly normal. My mom remained the same, but Lexi got into more trouble. Drinking alcohol and shit. And I. . . I closed off to the world. I'm not proud of the amount of women I've slept with. That's when Lexi got taken, just months after he left. I promised to shut myself out, never make myself emotionally available and love. It took too much effort for me to care." Talon stopped talking and looked me dead in the eye. 

"That is until I met you." 

I inhaled sharply, and let out shaky breath. Until he met me? What the fuck does that mean? 


"Shut up. I'm trying to talk." A smirk curved at his lips as I narrow my eyes. 

"Why did you hate me so much then? When we first met," I said anyway. Talon sighed and stood up while I stayed on the ground, watching him. 

"Because I. . . When I first laid eyes on you, I felt something. Something that I swore to never feel. When you looked me in the eyes, with those beautiful green orbs, I felt like you saw who I really was. You looked passed all the bullshit and saw me for who I really was. You didn't fall at your knees like all of the other girls. You actually insulted me, time and time again. When I think I have you figured out, you surprise me." He crouched down in front of me, his steely grey eyes searching. 

"But how? You always seem so angry, and like you hate me. You show nothing." It didn't make sense. He always looked like he wanted to smash my head into a wall or something. 

"I was afraid, I still am. I am not used to feeling so vulnerable; it's an odd feeling. I don't know how to. . . cope with it." I stand up quickly and back away from him. I take a good couple of steps away from him and turn around. I run a sweaty hand through my hair and close my eyes. 

What awful timing. He just can't like me like that, it's too dangerous. I've said this so many times, yet here he is, spilling his guts. And by the looks of it, it's not easy for him. Talon telling me all of his personal bullshit is a big deal. The problem is, that even though I should be pushing him away, there is a minuscule part of me that doesn't. 

"Talon I don't know what to say. You can't just expect me to give in. I-" 

"I don't!" I turn around at his firm voice and I jumped at his sudden closeness. 

"I don't expect you to just give in. If you did, I'd be disappointed." 

"Talon, I don't-" 

"Is there something that's keeping you back?" His scrutinizing eyes made me squirm in my shoes. 

"No," I said too quickly. His eyes narrowed. 

"I think whatever you are running from has everything to do with it." Back off.  

"No it doesn't Talon. I just-" 

"Olivia, please. Just think about it. Just think about the possibility of letting me in. Me out of anyone would know that. Just think about it. I don't need an answer right now." Good, because you wouldn't like it anyway.

"Let's go. Your sister is probably waiting for us." 

"Oh that was just a ruse so you would get in the car with me, but I'm sure she would love to see you." My jaw dropped, and swung around, connecting my fist to his arm. 

"Ow! Jeez, I forgot how hard you hit." I rolled my eyes, remembering Caden's exact words. 

As we got in the car, one thought kept repeating itself in my head. 

What do I do now?

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