Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I look at Mina with wild and distressed eyes. She stares back at me with apprehension as she puts the car into park and gets out. I slowly copy her and try to calm my trembling knees. I look at Mina over the top of the car and we both trade an uncertain look. Mina rounds the back of the car and grabs my hand tightly. With my eyes glued to Talon, I let Mina drag me towards the entrance. I looked down as we neared him, and I was pretty sure anyone in a ten foot radius could hear my erratic heartbeat. 

"Hey Dino girl - wait, what's wrong?" I ignored Caden and Tav who were standing next to Talon. We made it past the boys, and inside the entrance without being stopped. I was literally just a step away from walking into my first class, when a hand yanked me back. I whirled around and stared up into Talon's red face. He's very upset.

"Talon let me go," I murmured under my breath after I saw all the stares we were receiving. Without warning, he started to drag me off in the opposite direction of my class that I had with Caden. I glanced over my shoulder and sent a panicked look to Mina, but she just shrugged, not knowing what to do. Caden and Tav just watched Talon haul me away with confused expressions. 

I tried in vain to pull my arm out out his hand, but he had a vice like grip. 

"Talon where are you taking me?" my voice was shaky as he continued to pull me around. The hallways were now empty since the bell ran a minute ago. Finally stopping, Talon opened up and vacant classroom and pushed me in. The room was dimly lit, but by the looks of it, it was a Science room. I stayed facing away from Talon, the sounds of our breathing the only thing audible. My eyes snapped shut as the jingling from the chains of his pants filled the room. It stopped, and his familiar cologne filled my nose. 

"Open your eyes." His voice was gruff, and tight with anger. I shook my head and took a step away, feeling claustrophobic. I open my eyes in surprise as Talon grabbed my bicep and yanked me back towards him. I gazed up into his blazing grey eyes and gulped down the alarm clawing at my throat. He glowered down at me for a couple of minutes before letting my arm go. 

"Why did you run away like I was some one-night stand that you were ashamed of?" Talon's face was blank as usual, but I saw an unfamiliar emotion flit through his intense eyes. I shook my head and scoffed as I looked away from him and at the walls. 

"Because Talon, it was a mistake. The biggest fucking mistake I have ever made. I was drunk, and so were you-,"

"I never drank that night." 

It was like the whole world suddenly was at a stand still, not moving. Motionless. He never drank? He wasn't drunk? That means -- 

"You mean you... willingly slept with me? You slept with me with a sound mind? How? I mean you hate me. I mean I'm not a huge fan of you either, but-," 

"Then why did you have sex with me Olivia?" Talon took a step closer, and I felt suffocated again. 

"I was drunk. I wasn't thinking straight. I was horny, and you were an attractive male sitting on a bed." I clenched my hands as I tried not to stutter clumsily through my words. Talon smirked down at me and shook his head. 

"I don't hate you Olivia. We may not get along, but you are beautiful and I couldn't resist giving in. You put on my shirt, and you looked so damn irresistible." Talon stepped closer, and leered over me. I couldn't move back; a desk prevented me from moving any further. 

"Talon, stop." I push him away and walk away from him, putting space between us. I breathed in the air that wasn't contaminated from his cologne and faced him once again. 

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