Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Wake up!" Ice cold water splashes down my back and face. My eyes snap open as I gape and gasp for air. Holy fuck that's cold!

With wild eyes I look around, and I don't recognize my surroundings. Why am I in a cell?

"Baby?" I jump as a voice startles me from behind, in my cell.

"Mom?" My hand connected with her warm flesh, and I hugged her tightly. I could make out the shape of her face if I looked hard enough.

"Olivia, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I shook my head.

"Liv?" She can't see you idiot.

"No, I'm okay."

"What happened?" I was afraid to know the answer.

"The minute you left, men invaded the house and told me if I didn't lay on the ground and pretend I'm dead, they would kill you. Then when you got there, they knocked you out, then Talon."

"Talon! Shit, is he okay?"

"Yeah, they left him at the house. They were going to leave me, but they changed their minds." I nodded as I listened closely. I turned around and kept my gaze on the cell door, watching for any sign of movement. Who the hell poured water on me and just walked away? As soon as the thought popped in my head, a chill crept up my spine.

"What do we do?" my mom asked.

"I don't know mom. Talon will wake up soon, and then he will figure out a way to save us." My mom held my hand as we sat on the cold concrete floor. We sat there for what seemed like hours, before someone opened the door outside the cell. Light burst into the room, blinding me for a split second.

My lips curl in disgust as Max looks down at me with a crooked smile.


"Fuck you." I spit at him, but he doesn't blink.

"Yes, I plan to." I jump up, and too fast for him to react, I reach through the dirty bars and grab his shirt. With a evil smirk, I jerk my elbow back and enjoy watching the bars rattle as his face slams against them. He falls to the ground from the sudden burst of force. He holds his face and curses repeatedly. I walk back to my mom who was watching me with her eyebrows raised.

"If I didn't have plans for you, I'd fucking kill you." I gulp as my mom's grip tightened on my arm. Max stands up, holds out a key and glares at me.

"You try anything and mommy gets it. You understand me?" I nodded curtly and watched him like a hawk as he unlocked the cell door. He opened it and waited as my mom and I made our way towards.

"Nuh-uh. Mommy stays here." I turned around and embraced her tightly.

"I love you momma." She kissed my cheek and shooed me away, worry aging her face. I wait as Max locks the door, then grabs my arm. He was grabbing it so tight, my hand was turning purple. He pulled me through the house, and I was surprised to find that it was decently nice house.

It didn't have the expensive vases and elegant, high ceilings, but it was nice enough. Max lead me to a room that had a desk, and I assumed that this was the room the he did 'business' in. The walls were maroon and in front of his big, wooden desk were two black chairs. Off to the side was a couch and cringed when I thought of all the stuff that could have happened on that couch.

"Sit." Max shoved me down in one of the chairs as he rounded his desk, than sat down. He just stared at me wordlessly, studying me.

"You see, dear Olivia, I have a problem." Max stood up, his black eyes visually assaulting my body. I cursed the world for him being so handsome. How could someone so evil be so good looking. His white blonde hair was a stark contrast to his dark eyes. He stood up again, and I shrunk in my chair as he leaned on his desk in front of me. His grey slack clad hips and crotch was right in my line of eyesight.

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