Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Livy? Livy, honey. Wake up. Olivia!" I sit up, and go to prop my elbows on the bed, but I'm met with empty air. My heart lurches into my throat as I dive head down off my bed. I hit the ground with a thump, and my head starts to throb painfully. Shit, shit, shit!

"Olivia, what happened," my mom bursts into my room and I don't need to see her to know she's got a look of horror on her face.

"Did you hit your head," she asks as she runs over to my side to help me up. I look into her brown eyes, so concerned, and decide not to stress her out anymore than she already is.

"No." Yes.

Relief washes her panic away, and all I can manage is a measly, tight-lipped smile.

"Okay, get ready for school and I will take you." I nod, and quickly pull some clothes out of my drawers before heading to the bathroom. Once I lock the door and I'm out of my mom's sight, I sit on the toilet and hold my head. It was throbbing really bad, and I was about to tell my mom I had to go to the hospital, but it slowly edged away. I jump in the shower after pulling my hair up and wash my body.

Twenty minutes later I was wearing loose, jean-capris and a stripped, black sweater. I pulled on my combat boots and as I was lacing them up my mom stuck her head in my door way.

"About ready?" I smiled at her and stood up slowly, not wanting to irritate my head.

"Yep." She walked back downstairs as I stood in front of the mirror. I pulled my thick hair back into a low, messy bun and perched my hands on my hips. I lazily looked and my outfit and shrugged. I look cute enough. Not here to impress anyone.

About thirty minutes later, I was finally walking into the school after saying goodbye to my mom. I walk around the hallways, keeping my eye out for any of the boys. I needed to avoid them like the plague.

I watched in trepidation as the whole entire school parted like the Red Sea. I hid behind a tall boy, and I held my breath as I heard the unmistakeable sound of chains. That would be the metal chain swinging on Talon's pants. It would also be Tav and Caden's leather jackets. The walked in a triangle; Talon in the front, Caden to the right and Tav to the left. All three of them had mean glares on their faces, scaring anyone who would be brave enough to look their way. Caden would fake lunge at some of the freshman boys, and they would flinch backwards, hitting the lockers. Tav would fist bump him and they would laugh about it. Talon just scanned the crowd, looking for someone. Please don't be looking for me. Pleeeease.

As if they were reading my mind, Caden nudged Talon and nodded his head in the direction I was standing. The clanking metal stopped as Talon slowly turned his head towards me. It was something out of a horror movie as the clanking started again as all three guys headed over to me. The jock in front of me started to tremble in fear. Poor guy. He probably thought they were going to stuff him into a locker in just his underwear.

I was small enough that I could hide perfectly behind the jock, but I guess I wasn't small enough because Talon's icy voice filled the now semi-empty hallway.

"Move it." The jock scrambled away to reveal me looking at the floor with terror. Could they smell fear? If they can, I am probably stinking up the entire school. You know, I take pride in not be scared of anyone, and being tough. But around these three, mainly Talon, I was piss-your-pants scared.

All three of them just stared at me, as I looked everywhere but them.

"Look at me." Talon's voice was cold and empty.

"Look at the time, I better get goin," I almost made an escape, but my collar was grabbed and I was pulled back to face the boys.

"Now that you have decided to kindly insert yourself into our lives-,"

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